It's been a long break, but i am back! Life is starting to get back to normal.

So it's been a very long time, in fact my last post was October 2018!

After the loss of my son, life turned to hell and everything got put on hold whilst I pulled myself from the darkness of grief. Next Wednesday, I am due to take my last counselling session before being discharged and I cannot thank the Laura Group for the helpful support they have gave me and my partner, Jade, over the last 2 years.

I have been through some bad things in my life, but losing a child is something I hope to never experience again, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!

Since my last post, and my subsequent powering down of my Steemit account, lots of changes have happened in my life, we finally got our own rented property after a year of let downs and Dobby (the lurcher) has grown up and is the most lovable soft pooch I've ever known, apart from when he turns my trainers into flip flops or pulls the sofa cushions into absolute fluffy nightmares when we leave him alone (needy sod)...

Now that I'm back, I need to refresh myself on the formatting and editing of my posts, as well as get some of my latest explores uploaded for you all to enjoy. The new camera is a huge bonus and I am sure most of you will love the photo's I have taken since we last connected.

Until then, I will be catching up on what I have missed, people I lost touch with and also make some new connections. I was actually approached through Facebook, via a caving club page, after a Steemit user saw my posts and requested that I restart my Steemit adventures, so here I am!

Stay tuned for some epic and dangerous underground adventures!!!

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