This is me

Hi there folks! I’ve written a few posts already but I figured it might be time to introduce myself. I’m Palle Boule. I come from Sweden. I enjoy all sorts of traveling and adventure. Currently I’m working on my dream of opening up a hostel, in Jamaica. Unfortunately no-one knows what hostel means here so I’m considering calling it Guest House instead. I will also do permaculture farming and possibly hydroponics to feed myself, staff and guests. We will use mostly solar for power but I look forward to experiment with wind, hydro and all other sorts of alternative energy. Our major themes will be Creativity and Environmentalism. I wish to attract painters, artists, musicians, actors and dancers. Anyone who enjoys experimenting with their creativity and need an inviting environment to do so. People will be able to volunteer for food and accommodation. I’m a painter, writer, film-maker, actor, artist, inventor, janitor and more myself. Also have a background as handball player, personal trainer and coach for the Zambian national team in handboll (as a part of a volunteering program).

Up until now I have been using steemit only to place my blog posts and then share and discuss on facebook. However I feel attracted to start spending more time on steemit instead. To be honest I’ve had very few reactions on my posts on facebook. I assumed fb would be my forum since I already have so many friends there. This has proved to be a wrongful assumption. That’s why I feel like trying this forum instead. I’ve noticed people seem more keen on discussions here. That’s really what I hope for. I’m very interested in world politics and how we should change this world for the better. I’m hoping to find like minded people that loves discussing these things as much as I do.

I will share my journey and thoughts as things develop.

Have a nice day.

ps. I'm also on snapchat as Pallepall1 and on Instagram as palle_the_time_traveler


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