Introduce some-self

I wonder sometimes, how does all this people create content and sell it? i live by my camera, im half of my time in my computer, although it seems imposible to actually sit my creative ass on the making money activities in the virtual world.
Then i find this site, where you basicly get paid for expresing yourself, where you can create content, explain it and actually share it with no filter, just beeing who you really are.
So i guess that im betting for this platform, is the most bloggy thing ive seen in a while and it actually implies the comunity understanding of sharing, has money involved and not only money, it has actually it personal coin. It sound unreal, almost idealistic, and the fact that actually works it just a smack in the face to pretty much every hooman laughing of it.
I supose that this is a post where i say everything I do and love so ill try to be short, maybe leave some things for future posts, on we go... Hi there, my name is Nicolas i like to be called Pep (its a family thing) my thing really is my present, what im learning right now, so now I dedicate my life to build, design, create, organice and attempt to start a family, the hardest and greatest time of my life goes on every day but I keep building and drawing and talking with friends and reading... feeding my brain with articles constantly getting in touch with my close enviroment, comunicate with birds every morning and afternoon, rescue little possum in the mornings its really quite a life.

I have the most beautiful and inspiring partner that gifted me the opportunity to be a dad, we are rebuilding a shack at the moment trying to meet with all our past experience in courses, journeys, activities, communities visited and conecting all this random dots into whats going to be our first nest. I guess i can show pictures about the projects ill upload some interesting stuff in the coming weeks.

So to try to talk about the past that is a very hard thing for someone that just left his confort zone something like 5 years ago but ill try to be short: I've spent my life in offices, commerce, bussines, I come from a family that belongs to the sistem in many ways, where to be good maybe has a price to be better is kind of an ideal, there is a list of things why my life wasnt the best back in 2014 and it just push me into travelling. Partying my way to the north i ended up finding maybe the best thing i could ever imagine, volunteering... getting fed, sleeping for free and sharing your life with people that actually gives half of a fuck? Oh my!

Ecuador show me the way to humility, Peru brotherhood (in a very non patriarcal way), Colombia's people showd me reality transparence... The more time i use to spend in this places the harder it became to leave so naturally i would get scared and run, did this for months maybe more than a year. And of course you go to the place where you can run but your heart cant and you find love in so many ways that your life simply changes.

I forgot to mention that Im from Argentina, so you pardon my typos and the messy english, please.

Well i reckon i shoud leave some info for future posts, I understand this platforms react better to subdivisions and multiple posting so i think i would take that path, i see its needed to understand some html, need to do my homework.

Also i will be uploading a fare share @photography about this things that im telling yous!

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