I'm Starting To Grok You, Steemit! @Luzcypher introduced me and I am eternally grateful!

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It is with the greatest pleasure that I greet you, oh Steemians, you of this most wondrous of communities. Each and every day, as I grow to know and understand Steem and all it encompasses, my admiration, respect and enjoyment for what has been, and is continuously created here grows exponentially.

I was officially introduced to Steemit in June of 2017 by my dear old pal @luzcypher.

Yet while I painfully wish I had created my account then, (as I thought I had) unfortunately due to time, circumstance (being in the middle of our Epic 7 Month Road Trip through the USA and Canada)

and my intermittent inattentive ADHD, it did not happen. Fortunately, I was reintroduced to Steemit two weeks ago, again by the brilliant, helpful and hilarious @luzcypher, this time in person in Cancun and with much greater detail. In addition I was fortunate to be granted a wealth of valuable info and insight from my old co-worker and newly renewed amigo, @mithrilweed, all while in the company of our mutual friend, the
alluring, talented and golden hearted songstress, @yanroads. In fact it was because of and through my soul sister Yan that I met luzcypher, 12 or so years ago.

So now that I have this deeper knowledge and understanding of Steemit, even though I know I have as of yet barely scratched the surface, I am excited beyond words for the potentially societal if not globally changing opportunity it represents. I am full to overflowing with ideas and inspiration and it shall be my sincere pleasure to share them with you over the coming months and years. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer.

As I sit on this small transport through the gorgeously green and rolling hills and quaint pueblas of the Verapaz region of Guatemala I am brimming with immense joy and gratitude. My travelling companions, my lovely wife Jenna and our beautiful daughter Eliaya, just turned 3, sleep comfortably on the seat in front of me while I cram my 6’2” 200lb (or 189 cm/91kg, for the rest of the world) frame into the luggage area in the back of this small transport. Hey, I'm a Dad, that's our Job. :)

I am so happy though that our choices thus far have enabled us to live this lifestyle we have mapped out for ourselves. For despite the not insignificant sacrifices it has necessitated along the way, the rewards, at least from our perspective and desires, have far outweighed any hardships. For a recent mild example, on one hand, because I idiotically forgot to exchange our Canadian cash for American dollars before we left home, and since our current budget is so tight that we had no money left in the bank or anywhere else, and due to the fact that I unwisely assumed I could exchange our Canadian money at any Guatemalan bank, (you can't) I had to literally run around the city yesterday and this morning before we left desperately trying to find somewhere to exchange it. Phew! I finally did find One place, at a horrible exchange rate, but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do to be able to feed your family, right?

On the other hand now, we have just come from from the tiny isla Flores, where we were able to spend a day visiting the awesomely impressive nearby Mayan ruins of Tikal,
the largest city from the ancient Mayan civilization. In a few hours we shall arrive at our next destination, the small town of Lanquin, there to visit the magnificent turquoise and emerald waters of Semuc Champey.
From there we shall continue on to Antigua and then onward to the volcanic waters and visas of languid Lago Atitlan, 20180331_163234.jpg

where we shall, for a little while at least, make out new home in one of the many towns surrounding that picturesque lake. So I ain't complaining.

From there it is my playful intention to regale, entertain, elucidate and hopefully sometimes inspire you with stories, ideas, observations and creative content covering a vast range of topics and interests with the central theme of helping all of us be the Best Version of Ourselves we can be. You can expect to find such subjects including but not limited to Travel, Family Foibles & Fun, Healing Modalities, Humour, Music, Invention, Art, Life, The Universe and, well, Everything! Just to name a few ;~)

My name is James, dear reader, and I look forward to getting to know you! I hope you may choose to do the same with me.

Thank you, and Source bless you!!

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