Hi All, Pleased and excited to connect with you here at Steemit!

I'm Novi, I live in Jakarta, Indonesia.
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I'm a mother of 3. I love to try vorious things, and always have this level of curiosity to try things that caught my interest.
I am excited to share my experiences in here, success and failures, and also my thoughts and passion with hope that those experiences will help any of my readers in any way they find them usefull.

Health & Fitness
I have been working as a personal trainer for 20 years now. I train clients and also teach/educate personal trainers. I spent most of the years working in big commercial international fitness clubs, but (thankfully) I am now managed to build my own companies, while still doing my passion - training people.


Social Interaction & Life Stories
Working as personal trainer for a big fitness clubs gave me the opportunity to work privately with a lot of clients everyday, they share their life experiences, thoughts, and feelings which gave me a lot of point of view for cases in life which might help my readers with their everyday life.

Healthy Food & Cooking
Most people love foods, including my self. I deal with healthy eating & diet everyday with my clients, and I also have a healthy food business, so why don't i just share some tips in here.

Entrepreneurship & Business
Stepping out from corporate working environtment to 'work for yourself' environment definitely require a change in mentality, strategy, and the way I structure mylife.
I am gratefull that I can manage to built my companies, some are still working in fitness industry, some are steping to other fields like online apps, tradings & intermediaries.


Please don't think that I built all those with a lot of capital money, because i didn't. I built those with predominantly experiences, expertise, network, and passionate work, with very minimum money as capital (if I can say NONE). That is why I want to share my experiences in here for my readers to fruit from.

And last but not least, of course my journeys of new things try outs. Hope everyone will fruit and enjoy my shares. Cheers!

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