#introduceyourself as a real life digital nomad! Let's talk travel, working remotely, and of course, crypto

Hi! My name is Christa, and I’m addicted to traveling. Screen Shot 2018-07-22 at 10.37.22 PM.png

Why I'm Here, in One Paragraph
Since 2013, I’ve managed to make travel one of the biggest elements of my life, and if you can imagine, I’ve learned a lot in the process! I want to use Steemit as a place where I can share it all, since it’s high-time I started blogging. Steemit seems like the right place for me because I won’t just be putting out what I think others will find helpful, I’ll be connecting with others and learning (hopefully more about crypto) in the process. I can’t wait to start networking and learning from some of you!

Travel and Digital Nomadism Is What I’ll Be Writing About
Travel advice, destination information, lifestyle motivation, as well as some good, old-fashioned traveler networking is what you can expect here moving forward! I’ll probably talk more about travel as a whole, rather than destination advice. But if anyone wants to know about any one of the countries highlighted below, just ask me and I’ll put a post together for you :)

Who Am I, Really?
I am a 30 year old professional gypsy, originally from Boston by way of New York. I take my career as seriously as I take finding and hopping on the next cheap flight to a place I’ve never been before.

I love making new friends, dancing in the rain, and exploring the most exotic corners of the world that I can physically reach. My other online personality is @Christabellatravels, if you all want to follow along on my daily adventures on Instagram.

I often refer to myself as a digital nomad, since I’ve been working remotely for nearly three years now, averaging roughly 8 new countries per year. I do marketing strategy for a tech startup (we’re pre-launch and I’d rather not mix work and play at this time, so I’ll tell you more about what I really do in the future), and I “work from home”, so to speak. The thing though, is that I don’t actually have a home. I live out of suitcases and backpacks. I post up in Airbnb’s mostly, hostels when I’m feeling lonely, and hotels when I’m feeling either anti-social or fancy :)

Before I became a digital nomad, I was an expat for two years. I decided that my dark apartment in NYC was not making me happy, so I booked a one-way ticket to Thailand and moved to Bangkok, Thailand, where I worked as a magazine editor. It was truly a magical experience living in such an exotic place and being part of such a cool international community. (I regret all the time not keeping a blog while I was there, hence why I’m on Steemit now!)

I often say that Bangkok is where I feel like my life actually began. Up until that point, my life was all a pregame. A test drive. Batting practice… something like that. It was happening, and it was real, but I was only half of who I am now. Maybe you have no idea what I mean by that… or maybe you’ve lived abroad and had a similar experience. If so, please introduce yourself!

I Want to Network and Meet You!
Like I said, I love making new friends but I especially love to connect with other likeminded people. Please do introduce yourself if you are a current or aspiring:

**Digital nomad / World traveler/ Expat (let’s be friends!)
**Cryptocurrency writer (help me understand!)
**Marketing pro (let’s network!)
**Instagram lover (let’s help eachother)
**A wannabe! AKA Anyone who’s curious to learn more about what I can teach you (let me help you adopt this lifestyle, ‘cause it’s the bombbbb).Screen Shot 2018-07-22 at 10.38.09 PM.png
K bye. P.S. let's stay in touch!

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