
Hi everyone on Steemit! Had to write my Introduction again because I didn't use the right tag the first time I did. So, Once again, I'm Nigerian. A catholic. Got no English name. Not even a baptismal one. But I do have one name I've grown to be proud of. Aidee.

Aidee is acronym for "Idorenyin" in Efik which is translated Hope. A graduate ( just early this month) of the Department of Theatre and Media Arts, still awaiting NYSC, which is like a one year compulsory community service for all graduate in Nigeria.

I'm a huge fan of dairy-writing-freaks, and brainy people who make as little as ordinary chit chat much more metaphoric. Still very proud of my out-of-practice-skill for MJ's moonwalk, and believe it or not, I loved Micheal Jackson so much that I felt widowed at the news of his death when I was only aged 13.

One hobby of mine is playing Chess and if truth be told, that too is a little out of practice. Inconsistently too, I enjoy reading just about everything on Google until my eyes literally begin to ache.

I love and love reading novels, particularly those cream coloured papered ones that were written years and years ago. And The Dollanganger series remains my all time favorite, partly because the first two books in the series were each explained in childlike story telling to my little brother and I by my Dad under different moonlit nights in my nursery or early secondary school days. Mostly, because of this vivid imagery it drived me to create and this sordid emotion reading it evoked months and years later after reading it. Then basically because its the first and might remain the last novel in series I ever read from first page of first in the series to last page of the last novel in the series.

Now this is one thing I remember I did do consistently. They remain the one book I'll not mind watching the movie version in years to come no matter how old i'll get. And sometime, I pray to have the patience for understanding and watching football.

I love keeping my age a secret.Only since when I clocked 20 though.Was a year older on the first of this month, literally when I stopped obsessing about the zodiac myth, like literally Googling every and anyone's date of birth I happened to find out and only once right now I'll admit, went ridiculously further by relating with people based on what Google spelled out about their Zodiac character. Oh! Very exhausting it got.
But now reality just got much more interesting.

Steemit is amazing and I got to know it from a friend @yanga, just as amazing. The community with so reformed rules I think the world would have been a much better place if it was built by our government on some of the primary values around here. Though still quite ambiguous...the refined construction of ideas, lots of great minds, simply writing from one's own uniqueness and earning in time makes thrilled the best word that comes closest in describing how becoming a member really makes me feel.

I'll be honoured to contribute the little ideas grace bore me in writing fiction, personal experiences, my-a-few-times-got-me-in-trouble imaginations all inspirational and adding value I hope towards making this community and the world at large a much better place.

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