Introduce myself:Hello everyone this is Serena from Hong Kong! 大家好我是來自香港的Serena :) (ENG\中文)

Hello everybody! I am Serena from Hong Kong. I am so glad to join this community and nice to meet all of you!
大家好~我是來自香港的Serena! 很高興可以加入Steemit這個社群:)


Let me introduce myself first. I am an engineering student currently, but because of the inevitable complicated and energy-consuming study and calculations, which always urge me to find something to refill my energy, I am a foodie, too!(It is easy to discover from my chubby body haha). Apart from being a professional in eating(is that also a kind of profession? Haha), traveling has been my favourite thing to do as it can bring me relaxation and wider vision. I have joined a service trip to Cambodia once, which inspired me so much and let me have more reflection. I may write several pieces on that later on.
先讓我介紹一下我自己吧! 我是一名工程系的學生, 但因為長期得做那些既複雜又很花腦力的計算和練習, 我就只好常常去吃好的去補償一下自己啦嘻嘻, 令我十分愛吃!!(根本是貪吃好嗎XDD)除此之外, 我也很喜歡去旅行! 因為我覺得去旅行除了可以令我放鬆一點, 更可以拓闊我的眼界——我曾經去過柬埔寨義遊, 當中的經歷令我知道了更多世界另一邊的模樣以及有很多的反思。我之後可能也會寫幾篇關於那次義遊的文章。


(The sunset in Cambodia is gorgeous.柬埔寨的日落實在很美。)

Dancing has been my hobby since secondary school. At the beginning I approached Hip Pop, but I also attempted a little other dance types, and have dance shows on Kpop and Otaku dance occasionally(but I am not an expert of any of them lol).
我從中學起也開始喜歡上舞蹈。一開始我是先學Hip Pop, 但我也有涉獵一點點其他的舞種, 間中也會和朋友一起表演Kpop和宅舞。當然啦我不是專業的...只是單純喜歡跳舞:)


Though my life consists of mainly fun and food, reflecting on current Hong Kong or world social affairs means a lot to me as well. I may write some pieces on my thoughts sometimes later.
縱使我的生活很多時候都是吃喝玩樂為主, 但我亦會不時關注一些香港或者世界各地的社會現況。之後我或會寫寫我的這些看法。:)

Last of all, I am so grateful to meet everyone of you and join this community! Hope to see all of you in my future journey in Steemit!
最後, 我很開心可以在這裡遇見你們每一個, 也很高興可以加入這個社群!希望在我未來在Steemit的旅程會再見到你們~!!IMG_1837.JPG

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