Aspire to be better. Find something that excites you and work hard.

This is a post revealing a little bit about me, and my partner Jonathan. I think my purpose with this post is that I want inspire to wanting to be better. And wanting to be better or to change is hard, really hard, but if you don't give up you will be rewarded.


First I think it is important to find something that excites you and set a goal from that. I have had a dream for a long time now to own my own apartment, this might seam like a small dream for some, but for me it is huge. Luckily for me I have found someone who share that exact dream. Which makes it a lot easier when all of it seems so far away. So we both want an apartment we can call ours, but to get there we had to (and still are) go through some major changes. So this is where we were about two years ago:

Both of us liked spending money, we never had anything left the last week before payday. Jonathan also had debt from a business he started when he was 20. We had no control of where our money went. We spent days talking about our dream of getting an apartment, but nothing really changed. There were fights, because nothing was happening. I think it's well known that a bad economy in the household leads to no good. But we kept trying, trying and failing. There were also many other personal issues to get sorted, depression, anxiety, addiction, but that is for another time. Then as we kept trying we started to take two steps ahead and one back. Each time we tried we got a little better at some things, we failed at others. The things we tried to improve was our health; eating better and exercising more, getting control of our spending, get more organised, better routines and just be less lazy. We had about two years of trying and failing before something actually worked. I don't think we can point to just one thing and say "oh that is what it was that made it all change." I think it was just that we kept trying and every time we failed at something we had long conversations about what went wrong and what to do next time.

So this is where we are now:

Today we are still far from perfect and far from where we want to be, but we are getting somewhere. We have managed to collect Jonathans debt one loan, which helped a lot. We have managed to get better control of our spending which means we are saving, we eat healthier, we exercise more, Jonathan works a lot of overtime while I have started school part time on top of my full time job, we plan and structure our weekdays a lot better.

My plan is to share with you guys everything I have learned a long the way focusing on different areas in each post. I hope you will find it helpful, I also hope you have good advise for me (since we are far from done).

Hope you will join me to be better :)

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