My Introduction

Hello Steemians,

It's been a while I have been here and before I forget I want to correctly introduce myself to the Steem platform, please forgive me for my first low effort post ;)

My name is Chance, I am 32 years old and I have been living in Switzerland for 25 years. I am a commercial employee and studying economy. I have passed my diploma to enter the FHNW University for achieving an IBM bachelor, starting in October 2020.

I was born in Republic Democratic of Congo which was before called Zaïre as a sovereign State between 1971 and 1997. My native language is French. I also speak a little German and of cousre English that I learned at school.

So let's come to real things; I grew up in Switzerland with my Dad, my mother-in-law and my brother. Unfortunately, my mother stayed in Africa. I am the eldest, my brother is 29 years old.

After us my Dad and his new wife welcomed a little sister. She is 13 now and she looks a lot like me.

In my free time I do a little modelling and I will share some pictures with you in the future. I love dancing and I also sing... But I always sing for myself. I will maybe share some songs if I'm not too shy. I am not Whitney Houston either ;)

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Fashion! I am fond of fashion and clothes. I love to make my own style and to play with it sometimes ;) About makeup, I do not put a lot. I prefer to stay natural as possible. I don't support a lot of makeup but I prefer to see it on others girls ;)

I love puzzles. I also love the nature, to take a walk and get some fresh air. For me the Nature is the heart of the earth.

In my childhood I wondered to be a tenniswoman as serena Wiliams or a boxing girl like Mohamed Ali. Finally I did football... I was called La Gazelle.

Later, I changed for Athletism and started doing competitions. I am a small Swiss athlete. Since my young age, I run fast. My speciality is the 100 metres. I'd like to confess you my dream: to become a 100 m swiss champion. It would be wonderful! Who knows, maybe dreams can come true...

I explained in my previous post how much I love our platform. Since I found myself on Steemit, I don't post much on other social networks anymore.

Moreover, I like to write since my young age. I was forced to shut up and that's why I better write than speak. I would love to write a book. I am a dreamer.

Thank you so much for your attention. I hope to connect with you soon :)

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