Greetings steemit nation;
My name is Meshach from the beautiful island of Saint Lucia where legends are born. My hobbies, are exotic to most; they include hiking, travelling to wonderful remote places and spending time in nature with the wild life. I am also into gardening as I am a vegan and love cultivating my own produce. I am currently pursuing a degree in the field of social work where my major interest is in psychology and human behavior. I have had a passion for drawing and arts since a child and have expressed this in my love for tattoos I hope to own or be part of a tattoo shop; my ideal job would be in the field of arts. My purpose for joining steemit is to expose my followers to my lifestyle and philosophies, to my work and hobbies and for me to learn from them whatever they have to offer as well. I hope to increase my social network and reach people far and wide with the visions and aspirations I share with them.

:this is me making a presentation at a job expo.

:taking some fresh air enjoying nature.

558916_10151324512693659_1403457106_n.jpg coming from Martinique ; had a blast on this boat ride

:spending some time with my son in Martinique

:Flying above the clouds.

:About to land in Dominica

:Flying above Barbados

:Flying over St Vincent

:Run into a snake in the forest of Martinique

:A Huge tarantula in the jungle of Martinique

:Exploring the waters fall of st lucia

:Exploring a cave in st lucia

:River in st lucia

:preparing land for planting


:Some meals I prepared with the produce I planted... vegan all the way

:A portrait I drew for a friend

:A tattoo I did for a friend

My perspective on the impact of education and employment on society.

Education and employment are closely related in the contribution of a functional society. The level of education acquired by an individual is most likely to determine his or her employment status.

Education is not simply going to school and memorizing what is said by the teacher; just to give it back weeks later on an exam. There is also a hidden curriculum of information we learn outside the formal learning curriculum. For example we learn to wait in line and wait our turn in other to ask a question, we also how to treat our peers and people around us. We also learn subliminally for instance we learn inequality from the different treatment received by girls and boys. If the education system is successful in the proper upbringing of its individuals then these children grow with all the right qualities and attitudes to contribute to a functional society, likewise if it fails then a generation of uncontrollable, reckless individuals a brought into the society.

Employment has a tremendous impact on society as well. If the majority of a society is unemployed in which case education has failed then there is an increase in the rate of unemployment. The result of this could be devastating to the society. The result of such a high unemployment rate is that more individuals are likely to deviate and engage in criminal activities to survive. However if there is a higher employment rate there will be a reduction in poverty and less individuals will seek to deviate in order to provide their needs. Thus contributing to a functional society.

There are many things which aspire as in society. Education being one of the most important of all. It has a direct impact on society and will most likely determine the success of its individuals. The education system will ultimately determine the direction in which a society will take whether it’s progressive or not. Education also determines what job or role an individual plays in the function of society.

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