#My Cellphone My Addiction !!! šŸ˜


I wonā€™t exactly get cheesy and say my phone is my best friend but I could say this: I couldnā€™t possibly be where I am now without this powerful cute device. Itā€™s not necessarily about communicating with people which I know is the phone main purpose but no, my phone is much better than that. I wonā€™t lie though, communicating with my friends is part of it. I mean times when I feel bored and lonely, I could just pick up the phone and call my family, or just text my bestfriend. However, I have other apps that make me addicted and glued to my cellphone.


Iā€™d say for starters, my ebook reader. I can just picture myself in a book store staring at all the wonderful books and saying to myself, ā€œI want this!ā€ seeing another collection and realizing, ā€œoh, this is what I want.ā€ And then again, on another shelf, ā€œGosh, thatā€™s my favorite writer, I have to get it!ā€ and then I pack all these books but at the end I realize I donā€™t have enough money so I painstakingly drop one of the books or if Iā€™m really broke like I am all the time, drop all and take one. Well, with my phone I can have thousands of books on my phone without getting humiliated by the cashier. Also the pain of buying new books and adding to your pile of unread books is slightly better cause it isnā€™t exactly physical, just there.

Also, thereā€™s this app Pinterest that Iā€™m completely hooked on. Jeez, it has everything! And I mean, EVERYTHING! Dresses, shoes, bags, ideas for color combination which I was really bad at but better now thanks to Pinterest, recipes, one of my favorite to do things; DIYs, cartoons, books, movies, EVERYTHING! When Iā€™m on Pinterest, I spend hours just browsing round pictures of incredible things.

Being the kind of amazing guy I am, I love my cellphone because I can personalize it anytime I want. I could put colorful wallpapers, colorful themes and I could change them anytime I want, so that anytime someone picks up my phone, the person gets hooked and impressed.

Could I possibly say more? Yeah! podcasts! I donā€™t think it is possible for me to live without podcasts. They are my soul and they are just awesome! Basically, a person that doesnā€™t listen to podcast is the most canal person Iā€™ve ever met. No offence though. Actually, take offence so that could challenge you to download a podcast app.

Thereā€™s more! Weā€™ve got We Heart It which is just as cool as Pinterest but NOT Pinterest. We Heart It is good for colorful pictures of people and things and celebrities and people and cute things. Itā€™s awesome.


When I was going through my depressed phase, I got hooked up on this awesome app. Everyone knows it. Itā€™sā€¦drumroll pleaseā€¦ Tumblr! Awesome app! Canā€™t go into it right now. But itā€™s good, really good.
Iā€™m not much of a gamer but I have games I play to while away time. Thereā€™s Candy Crush, Temple Run, Subway Surf, you name it. Girls dress up games, some strategic games, and many others. How awesome is it that I can play them all on my cellphone when Iā€™m not using my ebook reader, or Pinteresting.

As a writer, my cellphone plays an important role too. There are apps like Wattpad I join to post my writing, have comments and read otherā€™s. other writing apps too that instead of booting my laptop or carrying a pen and paper and finding a solid background to lay it, I can just pick up my phone and start to write. Awesome right?
So thatā€™s it. I basically wouldnā€™t be where I am today without my cellphone. And my podcast!

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