My Quick Introduction

Hello Everybody,

This is Markose Chenthitta hailing from the City of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Im a passionate CHRISTian, Libertarian, Anarcho-Capitalist, Silver Evangelist as well as joined in the Crypto-Currencies/ Blockchain movement.

I was born and raised in Dubai, UAE and right after high school pursued my track and field career as well as my higher education in the United States. I lived in Plainview, Texas and travelled around the United States to run as well as expand my horizons and enjoy life. At the end of 2014, i moved back to Dubai, UAE due to many reasons like family, immigration etc.

But my experience has been great with various uphills and downhills throught out my life , Im glad that there is a great platform like STEEMIT that allows people to voice and showcase their ideas, passions and spreading the truth to those who would care to read and listen.

I will follow up with a proper introduction as well as trying to learn how i can effectively use steemit to share my thoughts as well as prosper through crypto-currencies.

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