My introduction - just the essentials here.


Hi Fellow Steemians ... and Happy New Year!  I'm excited to be joining you on what I hope is a super-eventful year ahead.  Here's a little about me in my "first ever" post!

The fam

I am the Mom of 2 Steemians: @doctorcrypto and @fronttowardenemy. They are cool guys and definitely my inspiration to join Steemit and continue to push me in the "all-things-new" category.

I live on the Central Coast of California with my husband and wire fox terrier, Freddie.

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My incentives

I'm feel like I'm a lifelong learner and every year I set out to tackle at least one new skill.
One year it was learning drums.
One year it was learning sign language.
One year it was taking an immersion course in Spanish in Mexico.
And guess what it is THIS year! STEEMIT.

I know I'm in for a deep dive in the learning department, but I also hope that I can contribute to this community in a meaningful way. That's got real appeal to me. Of course, making a coin or two wouldn't hurt either.

Just a little bit more

I'm a former Human Resources person. Alright, alright - no groans please.

I've left corporate America and have invented some practical fabric purses, pouches and wallets. They are called Lookie Loops which is where my profile name comes from. You can see the link to my website there, if you're inclined to find out what THAT'S all about.

Much of what I do on a daily basis has to do with getting Lookie Loops to market. Sewing, photographing, preparing for craft shows, etc. So you will get to see lots of that as I document some of those things that I think might be of interest to you.

I've also traveled quite a bit and will use Steemit to document some travel diaries. It's always fun to go back over trips and the memories they bring back.

And lastly, I'm generally a positive person. I welcome feedback and suggestions that are done in a kind & constructive way. So you should never worry about giving me even difficult feedback (like "you shouldn't do such-and-such on Steemit"). I really will welcome it.

A final thought

When things look dark or depressing ... look to the clouds. (Not the rainy clouds - the sunny ones!) These were some great ones we saw today as we made our way from Oregon back home to California.

Thanks for reading. I look forward to reading your comments, following you and hearing your life adventures.


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