Introducing Lil Trip - Proving That Steemit Can Be Used For Education & Learning 😜

Life can be full of trips which is OK as long as they are only liltrips! 😉

Who Is @liltrip?

I am a 14-year-old teenager from Yemen and California currently living in Kuala Lumpur. I have been in KL for four and a half years to seek higher education for my future goals. From my perspective what I like about KL is that it has a lot of fun stuff to do for people who come to visit and also people who live here.


How Do I See Myself?

I see myself as this funny, weird and goofy type of person. The reason I believe I am goofy is because my teacher who has taught me for the last four years called me goofy and I thought it was funny as well as a bit creepy. I am sure we all have that one friend who has a lot of mood swings - sometimes he or she is happy, and sometimes he or she is angry... or bored and so on. Guess what that's me, and my friends find it annoying.

The things I love most are Friends, PS4, and most importantly, FOOD! 😁


Running Into The Future...

What I mean by that is what do I want to do in my future? I see a lot of kids my age having idols and most, if not all are celebrities. But I am different and my hero is my father. I want to be just like him - a great businessman and a great father. He is also my idol because I see what he does, not just the external picture. I also look at the bigger picture - and that is knowing what people are like. My father is nothing but exceptional! 😀

But about me, I want to be a business investor just like most of my family members so I will have the tools and learn from their experiences. I will also help families and build schools and hospitals to help towns and villages because it feels very unusual to help people and if you don't believe me give someone in need some food or money and then you will believe it.


Steeming Into The Future..!

How Am I Going to Be A Good Steemian? I am studying to improve my English language with @jockey, and he suggested that to make it more fun I should join Steemit to earn while I learn which I think is an excellent idea. I am excited to be on this platform and I am sure it will be a pleasant experience. Since I am using Steemit as a learning tool, I wish to inspire Students, Parents, And Teachers to do the same.

Thank You for reading this post, and I am happy to say I am excited to meet some new people on Steemit!


Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Life can be full of trips as long as they are only liltrips!

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