Introducing myself - extended travel and freedom

Hi all, my name is Ian Cates. My main burning passion is extensive travel and to escape the usual 9-5 for 40 yrs plan; which my wife and I are successfully doing.
See to see some of my travels since I quit full-time work, 2yrs ago.


I have had many jobs, from a factory worker to front line ambulance driver.
In my younger years I dreamed of being a rock band photographer. I still have that passion today and have photographed bands, such as Status Quo, Europe, Saxon, Dee Snider, The Darkness, UFO, The Dead Daises and many, many more. I am also the official photographer for the Steelhouse Festival since it's inception in 2011.


Unfortunately my photography passion never provided me with a living wage and I worked for the Ambulance Service full-time for 15yrs; now I work when I want to, to fund my extensive travels.
I hope to show others how they can extend their travels with very little income and discuss any surrounding topics.

I have just joined the steemit community whilst on one of my month long trips. I am currently in Tréhorenteuc, Brittany, France; steeped in Arthurian legends.
Last night we saw 13 Belgian druids, in white robes; but that's another story!

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