' Hello World! '

Hi all!

My name is Kaptn, and I'm from Poland. I'm 23 student. My biggest passions are travels, photography and mountains! From time to time I will show you the best stories of my life, and maybe some programming stuff ;) Today, I will show you few photos from my trips(few different places in Poland). Enjoy!

I like trains!


Railway station in the night. Podłęże city, near Kraków, Poland.

Wanna sit on this bench? :)


Somewhere in the Est-South in Poland.



Polish mountains are really awesome!

That's all for today! This is my first post here in steemit. I don't know, how it works yet, but I want to discover all habits which are in our society(but I know, that this editor works very bad :< ). The next awesome pictures from me soon!

See you! :)


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