Whats Up Steem Community?

Hello everyone,
My name is Jamie. I go by Jwiggly online. This name was giving to me by my father who said I wiggled all over the place as a toddler. It kind of stuck throughout the years. I've been wanting to start a steem account for awhile and finally have a chance. I hope to promote as much as I can to the community through my experiences. I'd like to talk a lot about health from my point of view as a person who has been diagnosed with Celiac disease. You know? The gluten free diet that became a fad not too long ago!

I've grown throughout the years of my philosophy. As a young college kid I became a Libertarian activist. I promoted ideas that I learned from Dr. Ron Paul himself. As time has gone on I've seen the corruption of Government. I used to think we could change the idea of within the system, but now I absolutely have come to the conclusion that it is nothing more but a parasite on humanity. Thus being said, I'm running for office as a Libertarian in 2018. Oxymoron, I know. I am a self proclaimed Voluntaryist at heart and preach the free market as a Anarcho-Capitalist. I do believe the market has more peaceful means of solving our problems. This is why I love the idea of the Block chain and these crypto currencies.

I love spending as much time with my family. They are the reason I want to be here and make the world a better place. I try to spend as much time outdoors and at the beach. Being around like minded people keep me in a state of happiness. I'm so excited to be apart of the steem community and I hope that I can bring about great content.

Much Love and Peace, Jamie AKA Jwiggly.

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