My name is James Fazio and this is how I've lived out my second chance.

(Shot in the pristine waters of the Philippines)

A quick introduction, I've only just joined steemit recently and am still learning how it all works, so bare with me. The introduce yourself post in itself, to me, was quite daunting. I mean, you're all so damn witty and inteligent, but I'll still give an introduction of who I am and how my life has brought me to you, here and now.

First off, My name is James and I like to Party.


and no, no ones else here likes to party, but me.

I am in the age range where I grew up using this -


and this


I used to collect these


And now I am collecting Cryptocurrencies, but still wish it was Pokemon instead.

Who am I now?

I am a surfer that once competed professionally (but now have a dad-bod), a father of two young boys, a husband to a smoking hot German/Peruvian mamacita, and a filmmaker that truly has a heart to bring hope back into peoples lives using the medium of story telling.

I have just finished Directing my first feature length documentary, Time Well Spent. The story of four boys who have lived through homelessness, poverty, abuse and death that have found refuge in the ocean, on a journey to not let their pasts define who they will become. It was a huge undertaking as we had zero funding, but knew we were suppose to make this Documentary. I mean, I was made to tell stories like these and there were other people around the world that needed to hear these four boy's stories of hope. But how do you make a documentary that is filmed in six different countries and then flies all four boys, including a small film crew, to one location on the surf trip of a lifetime with absolutely no money? By relying on the goodness and generosity of others who want to see four young men from rough backgrounds be impacted, changed and have a trip they've always dreamt of. Wait, so you're telling me not all is lost for humanity? That people still care for others and want to see a better world for the next generations to come. Yes... actually eff yes. That is exactly what happened. With all the media showing hate around the world, you have to know there is still hope. There is still love in people's hearts and sometimes people just need one circumstance or event to take them out of their situations to be able to see the world differently. That's exactly what happened to me and that's exactly how my life's journey has led me here.

My oldest son and I, one year ago while filming Time Well Spent in Panama.

Filming for Time Well Spent in the Philippines. (photos taken by my dear friend Elliot Gray)

What Changed my path for the rest of my life.

When I was 13 years old, I was diagnosed with a rare Blood Disease, Kawasaki's Disease. Kawasaki's Disease (and no I did not ride to many Kawasaki motorcycles to get this disease) causes blood inflammation that eventually works its way to your heart. Long story short, it can usually be a very treatable disease. It is normally a very short term illness that can do nothing and you are treated or it can cause a whirlwind of heart problems for the rest of your life or die. I, on the other hand, was one of the most resistant cases they had, up to that point in time, 15 years ago. I did not respond to any treatment they offered and I had the disease for a full two months which is very rare. I went from a healthy 120lb (54kg) teenager to a 80 lb (36kg) white skeleton in a matter of weeks. I remember being in the room, pretending to be sleeping, when the doctor told my parents that there is nothing else they can do to help me. He said I would most likely pass away, but if by some chance I lived, I would have heart problems for the rest of my life and not be able to live an active lifestyle. I ended up getting a experimental treatment for Kawasaki's. My parents signed document after document stating that if, in a very likely situation, I die there is no legal repercussion. I guess my parents are an all chips on the table type, but hey, I can dig it and they really had no others options at this point. I was heading for death no matter what.

Guess what, this treatment actually healed me and to this day that experimental treatment given to me is the first treatment they use for patients now. Just one thing, which some of you might think I am a nut for, but obviously I am, so also, I can dig it. There is still one unexplainable factor. Even though that final treatment helped rid my body of this blood inflammation, there is still no explanation of why I walked away without any heart problems. I should have died, I should have had multiple heart surgeries, but in reality I was playing the sports I loved later that same year. More so, they said I would never be able to live an active lifestyle again. But in-fac, I was able to go on to surf at a professional level around the world. I am actually written up in a few medical journals as a medically unexplainable event. I like to call it a miracle. For me, I know that God saved my life. A brand new second chance. A gift from God.

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So at 13 years old I have this new understanding of the great value of life. That it is a gift. That each breath is something special. That our time is so limited. We can all still get caught up living for the future, yet there might not be a future there to plan for. So from 13 years old, how the hell do you live that out? Especially at thirteen!

What did I do with my second chance?

I loved photography, I loved surfing and I truly wanted to live a life focused on doing what God asks of us most, To love others as yourself. So at the age of 17 I packed it all up and left home to do all three. Surf the world, make people feel worthy and loved and use photography, which later turned into video, to make a difference.

It is important to state - That even though I had this huge life changing experience and I can write about how it changed my life to make a difference, it doesn't mean it has been with out flaw. Everyday I have to remind myself, as I believe we all do, to not take life for granted. To love others even if they don't deserve it because most people who treat others poorly are also coming from a deep place of hurt. To take time with my kids. To be patient and kind to them and try to pass on the little I have learned from seeing the end of my life flash before my eyes. To really live as if you won't see the ones you love the next day.

Life is a true gift.

I know that I have primarily come from a middle class, white privileged family growing up, but for the past 10 years I have been mixed with all economic classes, in over 30 countries and that sentence still rings true. Life is a true gift. We have all been through our own shit, some a lot more then others, but you have to know there is still hope. That even in the darkest of places, find your glimmer of hope and hold onto it. You are a unique person and worth so much more than you give yourself credit. Out of the 7.442 billion people on earth you are still important and unique. I mean, you did in-fact beat 200 Million Competitors before you were even born. Give yourself a little credit. You were a living miracle before you even entered this world.

That is introducing myself I guess. Just myself learning how to become a better me. Trying my best to live out this second chance given to me, but in reality "my best" looks different everyday. Somedays I change lives and somedays it's drinking beer before noon and saying, "You win today world... you win today." Just because everyday isn't a success doesn't mean you aren't making progress. Show someone your love and kindness today because you might be the only person who does.

Thank you all for reading and if you liked hearing a little bit of who I am and want to check out a few of the things I mentioned above, I have links and videos below. As I am new and have no Idea who, if anyone, will actually read this, I will mostly continue to post my photography and video work along with my traveling experiences. If there is anything else you would like me to follow up on or write about please comment below!


Instagram accounts:
Personal - @igotnostrings
Documentary - @timewellspentdoc

Time Well Spent Documentary Trailer

My Second Chance | James Fazio - hear and see a little more.

Our crowdfunding video and how we raised the funds for TWS

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