introducing ... the benefits of young coconut for health

1. itemThe coconut tree has the Latin name cocos nucifera. This towering tree is found in many beaches and cultivated by the surrounding community. This is because the benefits of coconut trees are numerous. Apart from the coconut tree leaves can also be utilized. An example of the benefits of coconut leaves is to make ketupat on the eve of the holiday. Not to mention the benefits of coconut. All parts of this tree have great benefits for human life. For coconut meat itself either young or old coconut meat also contains beneficial nutrients. The old coconut meat is usually used to take the coconut milk. Santan from old coconut meat can be made as sambal curry.

quoteAs for the young coconut meat has a sweet and soft taste on the tongue. Young coconut meat can be obtained if you buy a coconut. Young coconut prices range from 6 to 7 thousand rupiah only. After drinking young coconut water then you can get the meat rich in the benefits. Young coconut meat rich in nutrients because the content contained therein include:

headerVitamin B in young coconut meat serves to produce red blood cells. The amount of vitamin B content in coconut meat ranges between 20 percent. (Read also: Benefits of vitamin b for the body) Fiber in coconut meat is about 20 percent as well. (Read also: Benefits of fiber) Minerals that serve to nourish the body from within. Saturated fats are useful to increase the good cholesterol dar in the body. (Read also: Benefits of saturated and unsaturated fats)

italicFrom the content contained in coconut meat is what causes young coconut meat much in the search for treatment and prevention of disease. Here are the benefits of young coconut meat in the health sector:

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