Tommy (The Hopeful Vagabond) here, one month TODAY I start my journey cycling from Kazakhstan to China! Fancy coming along for the ride?

Who are you then Tommy? Unveil yourself!

Hey👋, hey👋, hey👋… I’m Tommy (alternative alias: The Hopeful Vagabond), 24 and from the UK, AND one month today I will embark on an adventure as I cycle from Kazakhstan to China to finish off my cycle ride of cycling from the UK to China! Last year I managed to cycle from the UK to Moscow, Russia (somehow?!). It feels like an auspicious time that SteemIt gets introduced to my life and therefore I’d like to share my story, feelings, thoughts, fears, emotions with a community built upon sharing and support not of the ideology that we’ve been lead to believe in a ‘dog eat dog’ world, no, collaboration is better!
So to give a brief overview of who I am because well I quite frankly want to interact with others that share similar passions, beliefs, perspectives, feelings, thoughts and so much more. At the age of 24 I’ve suffered from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (twice), graduated in Audio Engineering & Music Production (not really used my degree to full effect), travelled around Southeast Asia for 7-months, and also planned a journey to cycle from the UK to China, thus far having reached Moscow, Russia before having to unintentionally fly home (for good reason!). I also have made my travels public knowledge through my own website, and I even went as far as tattooing my own blog name on me so I commit fully.

I’ve been browsing over quite a few introductory posts and seen that in many people are tagged who introduced the new author to SteemIt, I would love to do this as my brother is the one who introduced me. Unfortunately he isn’t set up on SteemIt just yet but will be at some point sharing his story, and his is one that you’re going to want to hear. Trust me.

What brings me here...? 😵

With SteemIt I have quite large ambitions… but what are they?!?! Well with a growing understanding of the community being built here I want to be part of it to help others, I’m human you’re human, two people happier is better than one so why not!

I hope to inspire people, I really do in whatever I do, If I can inspire one person to improve an aspect of their life then AWESOME! I’m also viewing SteemIt as a platform in which I can exercise myself, to unmask myself, to show and share my vulnerabilities as I've been learning more about myself over recent months, exploring myself more deeply, which has allowed a lot of reflection... still got a whole lot to do.

I also hope through this I can build connections with people and it may be hopeful but maybe turn these connections into lifelong friendships, I don't know who I can meet on here, there's over 170,000 people already and I'm sure I can connect on beautifully intrinsic level with someone...

One last thing I hope to do and yes I'm going to say it and be honest is that I do aim to make money on here and to be honest I hope I can make enough to survive on and let my writing and others be that that supports me as I go on this journey in life and one in which I want to be able to steer into a direction I desire.

So what do you post, huh? 📢

I’ll be aiming to post on a variety of topics. I aim to share a large part of my travels, especially as I fly to Almaty, Kazakhstan only one month from now to cycle over 3-months to China where I’m sure all sorts of shenanigans will happen.

I hope to share my hobbies with you from my taste in music, explorative mind set for life, science and nature, my future ambitions such as moving to Australia after China and figuring out how to set up a life away from a birthplace I never felt overly connected too.

I also will share the parts of life which are hard to share on social media, the low parts because at the end of the day life isn’t like Instagram, but I want to do this in a way of reflection and learning. I know I’ve gone through a lot of shit and quite frankly I am lucky to be here and now I need to make the most of my time!

This life is going to be one hell of a journey for me and maybe someone on here will ride it with me, through their understandings, compassion and appreciation for another human, connections I'm becoming more and more awake to.

I appreciate all follows, upvotes, high-fives and hugs, so thank-you!

Tommy 🌄

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