

• When I was in high school I used to be very rebellious, growing up with a twin brother who is always better at everything wasn't easy. So I just gave up on trying to be good girl and tried to be as worst as possible. Skipping class, drinking, having low grades, ect. Even though I was very outgoing and always surrounded with lots of friends, on the inside I was always very shy and withdrawn. Almost no one ever noticed the real me and how secretive I really was. Back then the only thing on my mind was clubbing, drinking and wasting time in every way possible.

• Years went by and I was still in the same place in my life where I was 5 years ago; friendly, outgoing and fun on the outside but lost, sad and alone on the inside. All the people I knew suddenly became strangers, and I realized I have no one to open up to and just say everything that's on my mind. All I wanted to do was disappear, so I did. Just a week from my mindblowing discovery that I am the one making myself miserable, I packed my shit and went to Denmark to work and get my life together again. And by getting my life together I mean stop being sad all the time and start doing something productive.

• After a great life lesson and experience I started missing home so I decided that it was time to go back. I didn't know what to expect coming home so I expected nothing... and I got everything! I found love, true love for the first time ever. A perfect person who was made just for me, the person who makes everything great just by his presence. A true friend who is always by my side in good or bad. All the years of bad luck and depression led to that moment of us connecting and making each other happy forever.

Hello steemians! I am 22 year old girl, born and raised in Zagreb, Croatia. I'm very excited to finally be part of the community.😏

I've always wanted to be part of some community building platform with lots of possibilities, but was always simply too shy and too afraid of negative comments, opinions and people. But with Steemit, I feel like everything is real and raw and people aren't afraid of the truth. Also the community is very positive and friendly. So I would like to thank my boyfriend❥ for encouraging me to join Steemit and start posting.

I spend most of my free time hanging out with my boyfriend and our doggo, Louis. We enjoy long walks in the nature, smoking weed and occasionally drinking a beer or 2. Our hearts and stomachs are always full since I like to cook and bake.
I'm not a top chef but I do make some decent meals.I especially love baking cakes, cookies and everything that's sweet. I could say I almost mastered that skill.

My blog will be about the stuff I find interesting, creative and the things that I like in general. So cooking and baking will definitely be one of the main things here. My recipes, healthy food, junk food, various foods and baked goods. I'll try also include gifs or videos. So I hope you're gonna follow up!😊

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Thank you for reading! Cheers!

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