The Journey to Helping my Autistic Son - Why Banting Changes Lives!


My name is Natalie Lawson and I am a homeschooling mom of 2 amazing boys, a wife to a great man, an Admin on a Facebook Group where lives are changed daily - and a Health Food Blogger.

Our journey has been anything but easy, but it has brought us to where we are today, and it has allowed me to learn and grow and become friends with some amazing people along the way and I wouldn't swap that for anything!

Joining the Facebook Group - Banting 7 Day Meal Plans - that now has over 1 million members and becoming an Admin there has changed our lives, and has allowed us to help others change theirs too.


The short version of the story is - the reason we joined was due to my eldest sons diagnosis of Autism and ADHD. Without going into more detail yet - he has gone from a non verbal 3.5 year old that only ate 5 different foods to a full sentence speaking 5 year old who eats and cooks ( YES! COOKS!!) an array of different foods. Education wise - he's on Grade 1 Maths books already! See the picture attached of how his weight has also changed - but if nothing else - he is living breathing proof that Banting is first and foremost about HEALTH and weight loss being a by-product of this!


We are forever thankful to @b7dmp for starting this group and allowing us to help members change their lives too.

About a year and a half ago after Rita and I were talking about it, I decided to put all the recipes I had together and started a Facebook page. I registered the domain and about 6 months after that - I started blogging them which made the recipes easier to find. With everyday ingredients - that most can find and without too much trouble of preparing them. This peeked my sons interest which has resulted in him saying he wants to be a chef when he grows up!


Feel free to have a look at the blog to see all the LCHF/Banting Recipes, and follow me here to find more of them and find out more about our journey in the not too distant future!

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The life-changing testimonies of members on the Facebook Group is nothing short of awe inspiring. From some reversing their Type 2 diabetes, to some falling pregnant after years of being told it will never happen! We have had some not being able to conceive for over 10 years.

Be part of the health movement and Let us Help YOU change your life!

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