hello, my name is

What does an introvert do when they must introduce themselves?

-- take a leap of faith, be vulnerable, and share despite fear --

Please, don't let my videos confuse you. I prefer time alone over time with others, 99% of the time.

So here are some questions that illuminate who I am.

Q:What do I need in my life to know that life is worthwhile?
A: Passion, purpose, and growth. I must feel that what I'm doing matters in the world. That I'm growing as a human being in all areas. That life isn't just about me, but is about my community, the planet, and the Cosmos.

Q: If I'm feeing passionate, purposeful, and growing, how does that make me feel inside?
A: Like I can die fully at the end of each day. That I'm fulfilled to the deepest part of my cells. That I'm vibrating with a love for all beings... that I'm connected to the planet, and that I'm here for a reason. A wonderful feeling.

Q: What do I like to do?
Play music (piano, guitar, and the French Horn). Tan in the sun. Read mostly non fiction books on personal development, investing, and mindset. Although I have been massively enjoying Daniel Quinn's "Ishmael" lately, which is fiction. Go indoor rock climbing.

Q: What are my past and present jobs?
I'm a certified massage therapist and yoga teacher. I've been doing both since 2009, and love them both.

That's me in a nutshell. I'd love to hear about YOU!

Be well mi amigos,

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