Super excited about this platform! What brings me to steemit?

My name is Cam.

I'm a graphic designer, filmmaker, photographer, & yoga instructor. I plan on using my creativity to fuel my desire to travel the world. I want nothing more than to create a life full of new and exciting experiences. This planet has so much beauty to offer, and I wish to capture and share it with others. 

Why am I on steemit?

I recently got into the Cryptocurrency space and have been completely obsessed. Anytime I find a new interest, I get heavily involved and dive in head first. Not only do I believe that steem has the potential to grow into a widely adopted social media outlet, but I also enjoy the platform as a way to share my creativity. The rewards are an added bonus!

What do I have to offer?

A lot! I'm open-minded, curious, adventurous, hungry (literally and metaphorically), and I'm here to share my unique perspective on the world. You can expect posts about my philosophy on life, Cryptocurrency, photography, films I make, places I go, food I eat, experiences I've had, and whatever else inspires me. Ultimately, I want to travel the world, full-time, and share my experience through my lens. I think steemit is a perfect platform to do so!

A little about me.

My favorite cheese is brie, as if my username didn't explain that already—I could eat a whole wheel of it. I am an avid Rubik's Cuber. I'm not that good, but my record is 46 seconds. I'm a huge nerd; I love video games, and was definitely addicted to World of Warcraft for a few years. Some of my best memories were playing Halo 3 with my friends in 9th grade lol. Also, I love anything space or science related. Elon Musk is my hero. Of course, I always reset the timer after the microwave goes off. I enjoy working out regularly, lifting weights, practicing yoga, and going to spin class. On the other hand, I'm also slightly addicted to ice cream, so I don't think I'll ever have a six-pack...

I also like cats. Anyways, enough about me! Glad to be here :)

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