Short version of the whole blog:

Hi, My name is Elsa. A science graduate who left that career to follow the heart. Two things I love and passionate about are travelling and writing. I love how my travel allows me explore different cultures and how every trip turns out to be little adventures. I am such a shy person when it comes to expressing emotions and my writing is my emotional vent out. So that being said, you can expect travel blogs and videos from me, plus blogs on life.


Here goes the full length post, I don't know how accurately I could present the thoughts in my head but this is my best shot I guess.

As a child I always wanted a pen name, most of my favourite readers had a pen name. I didn't know what for but they all did have one. So in a way "Elsa" is my pen name/kinda real name. I am saying this because if you see me in a crowd and I don't respond to this name, then a "Hi Ms. Julius" will definitely get my attention. I was born into a conservative roman catholic family in Kerala. My parent's gave my grandma's name as my baptismal name: Elsa and I didn't know why two names!

Spirituality in my terms is simplified to "what and how I nourish my soul". And in parents' terms a spiritual person is someone who is pleasing to God, who is involved in prayers and attached to the a particular code of conduct. One way I could find peace and inner happiness by travelling. It elevated my spirits and made me find myself. New cultures and perspectives explored made me understand the oneness that thread us together in this world of massive differences. Therefore if there is something to make me feel spiritually grown that was Travelling.

I am that someone who is not great at expressing emotions but I get such a relief once I pour down those to words in a paper (I am a 90's kid you see) and I enjoy solitude. There was this special feeling when the cool breeze hits face that makes me smile, the fearful silliness of my existence I felt while climbing up a waterfall. The people who spoke a different language than me still understood my problem, the people who made me smile from heart didn't use any words. But it gives me immense joy sharing those experiences through words that carry those indescribable moments.

Today I think the name given during baptism relate to how being spiritual in some level and what better pen name could I use when I am following my passion that makes my spirit rejoice!!

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