Urban Planner, Traveler and a Dreamer (short bio, goals, dreams, interests + lots of photos ) (Eng., Рус.)

Hello Everyone!

My name is Ella. I'm originally from Riga, Latvia, but I moved to Los Angeles when I was 12 years old. Later, when I was 20 I moved to Spokane, Washington to finish my bachelors degree in Urban and Regional Planning. I'm not sure if I will continue living in Spokane, but it all depends if I find a planning job here. I might move back to LA.

I speak English and Russian. Used to speak in Latvian, but I almost forgot the language because I never use it anymore.


Currently, I am working on opening a small online store specializing in antiques and handmade items. Hopping to start selling by the end of this year. Also, I travel a lot lately, but only in Canada and United States this year. Previous years were more about traveling in Europe. I'm hoping to see Asia next year.

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Things I like: philosophy, history, astronomy, urban planning (community planning, economic development, and environmental planning), traveling, photography, reading, Taoism, cooking, playing games ones in a while, tasting new food and wine, outdoors, art, animals, taking long baths while listening to books or watching shows with a glass of wine, hiking (but I'm lazy), and many more things.

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I consider myself as an optimist, even though my life wasn't and isn't very easy. My motto is: live your life, don't survive it! I believe that traveling and adventurous life can heal our souls. I think life is art and it is beautiful in its own way.

Another thing, I'm a dreamer, and what I mean by that is that I want to believe that everything is possible and sometimes I even believe in things I don't see, or at least I hope things like that exist because why not? I think life is more interesting when it is a lot more than only what you can see. Also, I'm a dreamer because I just like to look at the sky and think about infinity. Somewhere there is another world, many worlds, many different things not like on earth. … and we don't know so much.

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I have a dream to open a no-kill animal shelter and a rescue, but it costs a LOT of money and sadly government won't help me with that either because they don't fund NO-Kill shelters, but I still want to do it because I just really want to do something good in the world and I was always very sensitive about wildlife and all animals.

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Here, I am thinking to write about traveling, give some advice on how to buy cheaper tickets, how to get to the place, write about places to see, ideas on how to travel on a budget and without it, and just about my travel experiences. I want to propose some ideas about how to spend a weekend at home or outside, and maybe show couple cool food and drink recipes. Also, maybe once in awhile have some philosophical discussions about life, death, morals , friendships, etc. I don't know how this Steemit blog will work out for me, but if everything will go great I might also write about art and my other interests , so everyone can find something for themselves to read about.

Anyway, I'm very happy that I found out about Steemit. I always wanted to have something like a blog that will actually help other people. ... and I'm hoping I will meet some great people here.

Please follow me :)

part 2: About my family members: cats and fishes

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