Introduce yourself (myself)



I am Erika. I am a cancer survivor (I hate that term). I am living with Li Fraumeni Syndrome (which has led to my cancers). I have a bunch of letters after my professional signature which have afforded me a ton of student loan debt but also a bunch of fantastic experiences and many valued friends along the way. I have been married, I am no longer married, and I choose not to go that route again.


I have a little midcentury modern home in Northern California that I share with my Chihuahua, Banana, and my cat, Dormina, and in which I farm the front and back yards. I am growing only organic, nonGMO foods to help me in my quest for good health, sustainability, self-reliance, and independence.


I grew up in a tiny farm town in Central California. I have lived in Florida and Maryland, and now I am back in California. I have traveled a bit around the United States and to a few other countries, which I think has created in me, an appreciation for the vast beauty that surrounds us in people, in nature, everywhere.

I have some lofty goals with what I think are attainable plans (I hope that makes sense). One goal is to pay off my student loan debt. Another goal is to move to Joshua Tree or Yucca Valley in the high desert of California and live off grid and sustainably. I think I can do it, I've done a lot in my almost half century on the planet (including surviving cancer ten times), I cannot but try .


I hope to meet awesome people here on steemit and I hope to learn from those folks along the way.


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