Introducing Myself - What Am I Doing Here?


The picture of a plant struggling to flower while breaking through a tough surface reflects something of where I am in life at the moment. I have spent many years in a safe job as an accountant, living life in a low-key way, not causing any trouble, and generally being a good member of society. I'm not saying that I want to change all of that, but I do want to change some parts of it for the better.

In short, over the next couple of years I want to move from where I am now, to living a life that makes more of a difference. I want to in some way impact the world for the better, making a contribution with my skills and talents that will make a positive difference. I'm in that place where everything looks fine, but I know there is more, and I fully intend to find it in the course of the next two years.

That's hard, because I am naturally a cautious introvert. The trouble is that I'm not living life to the full, and that has to change. Don't think that my life is horrible, because it isn't. I am happily married, have a nice home, and earn a reasonable salary. I just want to learn to live the life I was born to live rather than the one I have fallen into.

I am therefore going to use blogging here both as a way of documenting my journey from where I am now to where I want to be, and also as a way of encouraging others who also want to make changes in their lives.

Because this isn't just about me. It's also about you, and my hope is that you will join me on a journey to a more exciting, more fulfilled life.

I intend to cover a range of topics that reflect where I am heading, including:

Diet and Health
The Internet
Information Technology

and probably a whole lot more. I may even try some experiments.

I have struggled in some way with all of those topics (and more), but I am that plant pushing myself through a difficult surface to be able to bloom. And I will succeed.

My dream since I was child was to be a writer, but it never seemed possible. Now, with the removal of the publishing gatekeepers, it is. I recently completed a Masters in the subject and I will be sharing my knowledge and experience here as I transition from being an accountant to being a writer. I also aim to do some online teaching, as I love public speaking and teaching (even as an introvert!).

I have struggled with my weight for many years, but in recent times have lost over thirty pounds, with consequent positive benefits for my health. What's more, the diet I used to do that was more enjoyable than my old, unhealthy way of eating, AND I've been able to keep the weight off without too much trouble. I will be sharing how I did it in the hope that others will benefit.

There's much more that I could write, but I will leave that for future posts. I believe that you will find my journey interesting - and I hope inspiring - whatever your situation is - even if you're not interested in writing or need to lose weight.

Please join me, and let's go forward together.

Finally, I want to thank a few people who have inspired me and I have learned from in order to arrive at this first post:


Thanks to you all for making the effort to help the rest of us!

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