I Don't Want to Be Rude, So Please, Allow Me to Introduce Myself!

Hello fellow Steemians,

I have started and stopped, erased and rewritten this stupid post I know not how many times. I will be totally honest. I am a neophyte when it comes to anything "bitcoin-ish" or what I like to call "Is-That-Real-Currency?" So rather than look like some twit who pretends to know what it is, I shall refrain from saying anything that confirms that I am totally ignorant.

My friend @kiligirl whom you should know is my "Twin From An Other Year (TFAY) - which is more than slightly ironic as she actually has a real twin - first introduced me to Steemit's Facebook page a good while back. I had no clue what it was or what I was doing there and so I did nothing, reading a few articles, thinking I didn't belong and eventually leaving the group, as I figured I had nothing to say or add to the discussion.

In comes Linsey (sorry, can I say your real name, @kiligirl?) sending me a messenger message pushing me to move my arse and join for real already. I said I have nothing to say! No one wants to read me! She quite firmly reminded me that SHE wanted to read me so... here I am.

My name is Dale and I have chosen a total lame-o handle @dalerog as I cannot find a single thing that is peculiar to me or that I want to be known as. I am quite the Jacqueline of all Trades, Mistress of None. I have been called "Rog" for years by a select few - it is, after all, a short version of my last name, Rogerson. So pretty much everywhere I can be found as Dalerog.

This pic frankly represents me quite well. I don't take myself too seriously, have a great sense of humour and pretty much always have a smile planted on my face when I am not goofing around like this. Can't help it. I was known for my "sourire engageant" (engaging smile) in high school and am still pretty much to this day.

I have a sort of quiet catering business that I have not promoted or developed mainly because I don't want the government knocking on my home door whenever they feel like it to verify if I am on the "up and up". Somehow I have always managed to get calls for either my specialty cakes or family meals or some executive lunch. I have even, with the help of my late husband done a few YouTube videos that I just may share with y'all!

Till then, here are a few images to tantalize you ;-)

Duck prosciutto.jpg
Duck prosciutto (or carpaccio) with lemon curd, pickled onions and pear

Duck prosciutto assembled.jpg
Assembled bite

Super Hero cake for 4 year-old

I have been widowed since December 2014 and live with my two boys, aged 19 and soon-to-be 18. It's been a challenge and now we can add "resilient" to my list of qualities. At least, that's what I am told. Over and over. My dog, Zeke, has kept me sane for almost 8 years now.

He's a gorgeous beastie, isn't he?

Other than that, I write a blog, am a photographer of things that make me happy, and avid reader of all sorts of things.

House in Boucherville (my home town)


I will be sharing with you my thoughts about things, the people who have influenced me to make to where I am thus far and stuff that makes me tick, which maybe will make you tick. I might even share with you some of my 100-word stories from my Friday Fictioneers Group. I write as I am. Am authentic so what you read is who I am. I can't help it.

Hopefully I have not bored you to death and that you have a little glimpse into who I am.

Looking forward to your feedback!

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