Travelling to every country in the world - Introduce Yourself

It's important to set and achieve goals in life. I am Chief Niki and I'm going to travel to every country in the world, one by one. This is my first post on steemit and if you wanna know more about this ambitious goal and how I plan to do so you should definitely read along.

Climbing the Belgrade Fortress in Serbia

Visiting around 200 countries in over 6 continents (and I would go to Antarctica too if there's any chance) sounds pretty ridiculous. I understand you're probably doubting me right know. And to be honest only a few have ever told me this was a great idea. But why not try it? If you, by any chance, have heard of Graham Hughes, Drew Binsky or Gunnar Garfors, you know this whole dream can become reality.

"How you gonna do it?" is probably the most asked question I get. I usually don't have an exact answer to that. It's not something you can do in a few minutes, days or even weeks. But that's also the great part about it. I mean I don't regret a single minute I put into it, if it was sitting on an 10 hour bus journey, researching the cheapest flight or chilling on the beach after I missed my train. Okay, to be fair the last thing isn't that bad and it never happened to me, but you get the point. So until I have an exact plan (which probably will never happen because I'm way too spontaneous for planning far ahead) I'll just go from country to country without a certain route and see how everything turns out.

The whole idea sparked two years ago when I went with two friends on an Interrail journey through Europe. In these two weeks we visited five countries, which, if I think back now, wasn't really that special. But after I got home I realised what a small part of our world we actually saw and that there was so much more to explore. So over the last year I visited over 30 countries and I'm hoping to at least double that number in the next year. I am aware that the whole goal is not gonna get easier the more countries I've visited but I'm up for the challenge!

Making new friend in Fez, Morocco

If you have read this far I hope I got you interested and you're not just scrolling through to the comment section! I'd appreciate if you want to support me and would invite you to follow me around on steemit or another social media platform. You can leave all your questions and feedback down below and I'd would like to meet you one day out there in person!

Do what you love!

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