Let me Reintroduce myself, I'm Dan and I Live in a Van

Hi, I'm Dan and I have been living in a van for 2 years on and off

Inside of van


I used to live in my own apartment, with loads of stuff. When I moved I couldn't be bothered to move my stuff so I just threw most of it out. Every time I moved I reduced the amount of stuff I had until I was left with the essentials, which only took up a small room.

Then I reduced everything else in my life until it could all fit into a van. Because if i'm going to live in a small room, why not live in a small room with wheels. Then I can take my room travelling!

Where did you travel?

From my starting point in Karratha, Western Australia, I traveled across the top to darwin, then to Cairns and finally to here.

How do you find living in a van?

Some of the conveniences you take for granted living in a house, like running water and toilets are more difficult to cater for. You don't have much privacy either, so I'm always worried I'll flash a passerby when changing clothes. But being able to pack up and leave at a moments notice is the ultimate freedom. You can go visit friends and family and once your ready to move on you can. Like a snail you bring your home with you so its awesome!

Thanks for reading, If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments and I'll answer them the best I can! As a reward have a picture of my feet. People like feet right?

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