PanAmerican World of Nations SkateBoard Bogotá, Colombia

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19 Nations of the world join in competition for the first time at the Pan-American SkateBoarders in the city of Bogotà, Colombia. Each of the countries represented mostly by young athletes quite professional in their countries of origin and other internationally recognized, In the Female Categories Amateurs Resulting winners the athletes of Mexico and Colombia, in the Pro category resulted winning the winning Skater of the Xgames Alana Smith Of USA, followed by an Athlete of Mexico and in 3rd place Canada, and in Male Amateurs The winner was Angelo Caro of Peru, 2nd place Mateo Vahos of Colombia, and 3rd Rio Batan of Puerto Rico, and Pro resulted winner Eduardo R. of Ecuador, 2nd place by F. Echevarria of Colombia and 3rd place JhanC Gonzàlez of Colombia achieving the triumph at home. Each one raising the flag, bringing triumphs to his Country and others while maintaining the energy and high performance, which was given as training to everyone in his country of residence. Learning and knowing more about the main characteristics that a high performance athlete must have to have good results in future championships of the sport discipline (SkateBoarding).
All the representatives of each country making friends with a lot of enthusiasm and energy with the SkateBoarding. The participants came from the following countries: Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, United States of America, Peru, Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala, El Salvador, Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Republica Dominicana and others. Here is an example of friendship and respect between nations, healthy competition, the future of a sport that had not been taken into account, and the number of young people from countries on different continents who agree to take an extreme sport as a competitive discipline.
For all the competitors and those who participate in any way, I thank you very much for making the SkateBoarding an Extreme Sport With More Boom and More Life.
Thank you very much for reading, greetings.
SKATE until the planet dries

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