Hi, Full Time YouTuber Here - Excited To Share!

Hey everyone! My name is Brian Turner and I guess if I was to describe "who" I am I would first state that I'm a YouTuber. I started a YouTube channel to help people with their fitness journey's but quickly found that I could help people by sharing my hardships dealing with acne.


As you can see here, at my worst my acne was very invasive and very severe. One of the things I am most grateful for is having that severe cystic acne though, as it has allowed to me reach and help so many people through the platform and by sharing my journey openly.


I ended up chronicling my treatment with Accutane for 78 weeks and through the process grew the channel quite a bit! Eventually I was contacted by CBS to be on The Doctors show to talk about how I was able to clear my acne! This all really helped grow the channel and now I have put out 3-4 videos a week for the last 5 years straight!

As well as using my YouTube channel to highlight fitness and reach people who are dealing with hardships like acne, I am also an avid cinematographer and have worked with amazing people like Terry Crews, Bill Goldberg, CT Fletcher, Mike O Hearn and a few other amazing guys. I was really happy to be a part of the CT Fletcher Netflix documentary, "MY Magnificent Obsession" and received my first official credits for a film last year.




I suppose to wrap it up, I'm a vegan at this point as I switched my diet to help with my acne but then learned a lot as I went and am now vegan for life. I'm not a militant person so I don't push this on people, rather I like to create content to help those who are interested instead of focusing on people who aren't. I want to share a lot of that knowledge here as I see a niche for that in the coming years as Steemit develops!


Thank you so much for accepting me into the community, I'm excited to post good content!

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