HIVE Arrival

HIVE Arrival I have finally arrived in the Hive! Introduced by the great @sponge-bob I will emerge from the ocean like a transmedium craft and take flight! I believe my journey to find the world of decentralized social media has finally concluded. Web3 gives me a hope for the future that I never had before. I am excited to learn and engage as a creator and consumer in this ecosystem. In the Hive tradition I will introduce myself to give you all an idea of the type of content that I will create.


My curiosity drives me to research in so many areas of life including longevity, nutrition, psychedelic therapy, weightlifting, finance, stoicism, and I'm not afraid to admit Ufology.


I was born a collector and still have collections that began when I was a child. Baseball cards were my first obsession but toys, comics, coins, kettlebells, shirts, and anything else that caught my attention soon followed. NFT’s I mean Digital Assets have filled the collection itch for me in the past 2 years. It is the most amazing way to collect trade and interact in a community of collectors. If this was the only use for #NFT’s and Web3 to me it would be enough.


Professionally I have been focused working in mental health and education for 25 years. I am currently leading a school for students with disabilities in one of the most restrictive settings. My formal education includes holding a BA in Psychology, MA in Special Ed, and two Advanced Certificates in leadership but its 25 years of working with people that I consider to be my real education. It is an education that is ongoing and should never go unprocessed. Every interaction provides for a chance at growth if you choose to examine it. In working with students with disabilities the rewards are endless. With education some are immediate and others come when you least expect them. Working with a small population of students with special needs gives me the opportunity to see them progress through their disability and become successful daily, which is special, but when students return and reflect about the support you gave them 15 years ago and tell you how it impacted their life you are affected in a different way.


My wife is an Angel that was sent to me 30 years and has guided my life since. In June we celebrated 21 years of married. My three children are the most import thing in my life, providing for them is what drives me. I pride myself on a strong work ethnic that was first tested in the early days of being a young parent. By the age of 24 I had 3 children and just as many jobs. I believe that adversity builds character. Without struggle you are never tested and can never achieve something great. For me working non stop while attending college full time and sleeping in parking lots in between jobs built character, It also built back problems. The back problems really started when I was much younger. A few car accidents at 12 and 14 lead to spine damage and a year supply of Vicodin. My back got better but the Vicodin script switched to a Percocet prescription and persisted on and off for the next 20 years. I was able to survive, not falling into the traps of addiction and fully destructing, by realizing that the pain killers were not helping with the physical pain, only masking and perpetuating it.

While I was able to avoid full on addiction to opiates, destroying my life, taking them combined with the work schedule manifested an unhealthy fat body. When I hit 275 lbs my doctor tried to prescribe a handful of medications. I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, hypothyroidism, and acid reflux. My doctor was very blunt and told me “I am prescribing you these medicines but they will not save you if you do not make a change you will die an early death.” Instead of filling the prescriptions I went on a diet and lost over 100 lbs in under a year eliminating the need for any of them.


In that year I took a deep dive into health and nutrition becoming obsessed with making up for lost time and bringing my body to optimal health. I have a current goal of living to 150. I put a focus on dealing with my own issues instead of everyone else’s beginning the healing process for myself. Through my research the importance of reducing stress seemed to be central in controlling all the major diseases that cut people’s life short. I have studied and practiced different forms of therapy including acupuncture, massage, sauna, cold water immersion, sensory deprivation, meditation and breathwork. These practices help me to control stress but have also led me to feel connected with a higher force.


My life has taken many turns and has been diverted by what seemed to be pebbles in directions I never could have imagined. It is for this reason I feel a duty to go out of my way to help people in any way I can. The smallest thing can change so much in someone's life. You never know what interaction you may have and how it could impact the future of that person. I hope to reach more people in my writing and help to change their lives.

Coming Soon

My first article titled: “If you don’t believe in UAP; Take off your tinfoil hat” will be buzzing into the hive soon! It is meant to inspire wonder!

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