Challenge yourself and make this world better!


Hi, I’m Eliza and I’m starting my journey on Steemit. How you could guess I want to introduce myself. I will not start with my age or country I’m from, however, from the very start I would like to say my mission. Honestly, I want to make the world better. I know that it sounds pathetic, but if I can do something for this world I going to do it, for instance, reduce the amount of plastic and food that is thrown away.


The reason I’m here is very simple, my motto is ”do what you love” and I believe that Steemit is an ideal opportunity to express yourself and find your like-minded people.

My passion is traveling. Why do I like traveling? Because I love adventures and in every trip you challenge yourself and test yourself for strength. Moreover, the world is so huge; there are a lot of magnificent places. Think about it: why sit in one place, when every day you can discover something new?


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