Introducing my husband!

Hey there Steemians!


So along with our urban garden, interest in microbrewing, and learning everything we can about cryptocurrencies... my husband owns a fine loose leaf tea shop here in the heart of North Carolina!



I am immensely proud of him and everything he has accomplished with his passion and business over the past decade. He has established great connections with small batch farmers and the quality just can't be beat, aside from sipping straight from the creators cup.

He has also started his own honey blends, the most recent being carolina reaper and ghost pepper infused honey. Imagine that drizzled on some fried chicken? My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Thank you to this great community for already being so welcoming. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about the shop, teas, or how to go about ordering some if you are interested in trying anything.

Expect the first post from my husband, Ryan, later this evening. Have a wonderful day, and as always, be well!

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