Hi, I'm Keith and I'm a multi instrumentalist, producer, artist and lover of freedom.

Okay folks, here's my little 'how do you do' in order to give you a good idea of who I am, as I will be writing articles frequently and I want you to have a relationship with me as a writer, peer and reader. I'm going to go a little in depth into the things that are interesting and skip all the boring stuff, such as what I'm having for dinner (stuffing and eggnog) or what I did last night (blogged then passed out). This is going to give you an idea of who you're dealing with, and I'll try to keep this as ego free as possible but it's somewhat difficult when describing who you are to people you want to leave a good impression with.

I'm a Canadian music producer, writer, artist, off-grid enthusiast, borderline-anarchist and pseudo-peon. I don't do the peon part very well though. I've always had major difficulty putting myself into boxes. I used to be a psychonaut which means I used to take MIND EXPANDING psychedelic substances to explore the unknown realms of my psyche. I wouldn't recommend that hobby if you are of a weak mind, which I was to some degree. Never-the-less I explored valiantly into my deranged psyche to uncover strange and formidable self-wrought enemies/demons that were in the way of my personal self progression. This had only lasted a decade off and on, in which time I had poorly held jobs, loved and lost, traveled the country, hitch hiked the westcoast border of the US, gotten into some fights, almost died and made many, many influential friends whom I will always love and cherish.

I go by the producer name Abstract Peace and you can find my music on soundcloud. You know what? Here's a link to that. Go ahead and listen to that song while you read this, I made most of it using house hold items.

I hope and aspire to one day soon develop a story based RPG. I need to come up with a great team and the funds to do so, but I have the general idea. I want to be in charge of writing and music. I'll be needing people with experience in coding, game development, character and background design, art direction and publicity.
So far this is just a dream, but that's where greatness starts and I have a really great idea. I'm inspired by games like Undertale, Elder Scrolls and FF I-IX

I used to be a troubled youth and in and out of the mental hospital for depression, anxiety and psychological delusions. It's been nearly a decade since I've been there however so that is a chapter I'm leaving in the past. It HAS inspired me to hold a great interest in the psychology of others, and a drive to help those struggling with confusing mental habits, as I know the struggle is real.. oh so very real.

But I digress. Can I say that without sounding snobby and unoriginal? Who cares!

The point is, I want you to know who I am, at least to a very minor level. I want you to trust that I care about content and quality. In fact I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to quality stuff, and might tell you if I think something is a little bit sparse in the inspired category.

My love for freedom, self expression, community and the everyday joys of a true human existence is and always has been my passion, though for a long time I've forgotten what I truly need to be free. The answer is simple, but it's not something I can just put into a couple words.

I fear the world I live in has become synthetic in it's lifestyle. Fake food, fake idols, fake relationships. It's like we're living in a strange fantasy dreamed up by a dude who is able to just lucidly calculate humanity and categorize the numbers until he gets his way. It's like we're sleeping with this feeding tube of bullshit streamlined into our consciousness and nobody knows what is real anymore. And so, I am always trying to stray away.. as difficult as doing that is in my current situation. Deep down we're all very similar, I feel. There's a grandiose illusion of separation that leaves us to feel innately different as we're bombarded by things that give us complex personal thoughts that the kids get to share with their friends they made at public school who's parents were fed the same nonsense when they were kids. jobs_big_brother.jpg

But I digress. Here I am, and if you're still reading this, I'm going to probably hug you one day. The universe works in mysterious ways :3. Suffice it to say, as my name may suggest, I am an organism that the earth made. The earth people'd and eventually I was one of the people. What luck! I get to be aware that I'm a part of the ever expanding cosmos that contains everything that every existed! Stupendous. And what wonderful timing, we certainly are living in interesting times now aren't we folks.

I'm going to try and load you up with awesome information via the posts I write, that will make you both smile and wonder in an entertaining fashion. And that is my goal here on Steemit. Please upvote and resteem this if you believe in me!

Peace and love Steemians! :)

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