Hello fellow Steemians

I'm Aurora, 28, writing from the Netherlands (well, not literally, now I'm in Portugal for a conference!)


About me

I'm a biologist; Italian; passionate about politics, reading, traveling, swimming and most of all eating 🍝


I did my BSc and MSc in Rome, the most wonderful and chaotic city in the world. But I felt like I didn't belong, and needed to explore; so I applied for internships everywhere in Europe. I ended up in the Netherlands and never really left!


Why am I here?

I've always loved writing. Science is a passion, but not my only one! And for the future I'd like to explore the world of Science Communication, or SciComm. The motto is: science isn't finished until it's communicated!


Too often science is seen as something distant and obscure; and in order to make it digestible it is sometimes reported inaccurately (how many articles have you read on social media simply saying "found molecule that succesfully cures cancer?")
Results need to be shared in a simple, but not simplicistic way. If this was done properly we wouldn't face problems such anti-vaxxers or flat-earthers ;)

Want to see some nice travel pics, read about politics in Italy or know what working in a lab is really like??

Visit my blog , or follow me on Instagram :)

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