Its a Sign! Introducing Me.

A big warm hello steem community!

Its a beautiful summers evening here in country South Australia and I must admit it is not just the heat of the weather that's got me a bit bothered under the collar! Talking about myself isn't something I have ever really been good at.

If you don't mind, as I am a licensed Naturopath here in Australia, I would like to keep some anonymity for now. Which, I appreciate, may appear as very non genuine of me but I do plan to be as authentic as possible! Also, here is my quick disclaimer- any suggestions taken from my writings are done so with the full knowledge I have not examined you and personally prescribed any treatment and I hold no responsibility for your actions. At the end of the day, you are actually 100% responsible for your actions.

As I am so new to this platform and finding it somewhat challenging, please be patient with me. You are welcome to refer to me as Lyn. I am hoping you can find me or tag me at @lovelivinglife and if not, well hopefully someone will point me in the right direction.


I hope to be sharing my perspective and experiences with natural remedies, metaphysics, family and life in general. I have never attempted blogging/ chatting and I am pinching myself writing this. I have been a Naturopath for nearly 19 years with career breaks for family and other reasons. I have had a keen interest in spirituality for nearly 30 years now so much so that I have been studying part-time for the past 4 years a degree in metaphysics.

I believe good health is achieved through the balance of body, mind & spirit.

I love reading, walking my border collie, family gatherings and a good belly laugh.

Oh and I love smashed avocado with poached eggs.

I knew absolutely nothing (and to be honest still not a lot) about steem and the steem community this time last week. I stumbled upon the word steem in the comment section of a Facebook post I was reading. Being curious and somewhat bored with the newsfeed I was perusing, I googled it!

Wow. A whole community I new nothing about. I browsed a couple of articles and was blown away.

Intelligent life on the planet does exist, how exciting!

I took that as a sign to get involved.

Now, as I write this and have re-read it I have realized a couple of things about myself.

I am not an experienced writer so I write how I think. I sometimes think I would like to use some Aussie slang and throw in the odd expletive or swear word. So, if someone could let me know if this is acceptable in this community that would be great and helpful so thanks in advance. Also, if anyone does take the time to read anything I post, if you ever need clarification on the phrases and terms used, please let me know. I appreciate that sometimes it may appear as if us Australians are from another planet.

I have never been good at keeping a diary and as I mentioned earlier I have never blogged, so I hope to use this experience to dive deep into my thoughts and sharing the outcomes. My mind often wanders so I also would like to learn and master the discipline of keeping focused. It is my wish to help and be helped so we can all become better humans and mankind can evolve into a planet not focused on self and greed but love and commUNITY.

Also, I love sharing inspirational quotes.


Have a great day/evening wherever you on this amazing planet of ours and I so look forward to reading and sharing with those of you that are like-minded!


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