Introducing myself, and why I take a big chance to be a crypto traveler

Some of you may know me as @realitycartoon here on steemit, others may not. I started this account one year ago right after my birthday because I wanted to blog about my travel experience. Many things have happened sinse then that didn’t work out so well. At first I was supposed to start my journey in the beginning of 2017 but I had to wait untill I could afford it after loosing almost everything I had. Sometimes you just have to accept the reality.


So who am I?

My name is John Samson, 30 year old guy from Sweden who have 2 passions I want to continue doing in my life. I have a big passion for art and drawing. I have been drawing almost my entire life and have recently started with painting aswell.
You can see my drawings that I post as often as I can @realitycartoon.
I also have a big passion for travel and that is mainly what this blog is going to be about.


If it wouldn’t be for my art that I post on steemit I wouldn’t be able to start this journey that I’m about to do next week. In the end of this month I am moving to Spain and if all goes well I’m going to have Spain as a ground zero and from there I will start to travel around the world. I will be visiting different places in Spain before I take a long flight to South East Asia, first up will be the capital of Thailand ”Bangkok”.

”When you take a chance”

I’m taking a big chance because my money flow isn’t that huge. But next week I would be homeless if I didn’t go abroad. I am choosing Spain and Thailand for 2 reasons, it’s cheap to live and a warm climate. I will actually rely on the earnings I make on steemit and some investments in cryptocurrency that I have made. Ofcourse I have some extra but it’s still a chance. In worst case I can sleep on a beach and make some good posts and It will sort itself out :) Something I couldn't do in cold Sweden.


I have learned during this year that some things just work itself out in the most miraculous ways when you are dedicated to things you love doing. My spiritual awareness has helped me alot many times and I’m now trusting the universe to the max. Otherwise it would be a perfect story I could tell my kids some day when they arrive….haha

Live for 5$ a day

What you can expect from this blog is my journey, first Spain for a while then when possibility is given I will take the first flight to Bangkok. I’ts so cheap in Thailand that I can live for almost nothing. One dollar for a days wort of food and 4 dollars for a ok hostel.


3 years ago I went to Thailand for the first time with some friends and now it’s time to go back!

Why do I want to live in Spain?

First of all, I don’t like Sweden! It’s cold, rainy and expensive, Sweden is a worker mans country where you only work, pay your bills and die. That is not my lifestyle, I want to see the world, I want to have sunny skies and walk in nothing but shorts. I don’t need much money especially not in Spain or Thailand. Food is cheap when you are a vegan like I am, The most expensive ingredients is meat and it’s not healthy anyway.

Beautiful Malaga Spain

Other topics you will see

I’m also going to post things that I’ve learned,
things that interests me like food, health and spiritual awakening.
I am also going to travel with Cryptocurrency only and it’s a bit unique.

So if you want to come along on this journey you just press that follow button and if you like this post you can upvote and resteem :)

Make sure to follow me @realitycartoon aswell


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