Introducing myself - A geek dancing and a little bit of fitness too

Hello Steemians,

I'm a fitness instructor with a passion for photography and dancing. I've been instructing for the last 10 years and for almost 14 years I've been an entrepreneur, 5 years of it in the field of fitness. My absolute favorite class is fitness dancing, but hydrobics, kettlebell training, core workout and stretching are also close to my heart.

Nothing says happy more than dried sweat on the skin, hair and clothes after 2,5 hours of jumping around like a maniac. = dancing

Two things have been with me for my whole life


I've had at least one camera as long as I can remember. Usually several. Photographing makes me happy. I almost forget where I am for that one more photo. I imagine it must be an agony for others to walk with me outside as I'm always stopping to take "just one" photo. 5 minute walk could easily take two hours.


I started with ballet classes. I was under 7 years old. Lasted couple of years there. Couldn't understand why things had to be done certain way. I kind or wanted to be a ballet dancer but didn't want to follow the strict rules. I didn't have the obedience in me. And that's one of the important rules in learning stuff well.

As a teenager I tried contemporary dancing which I also found out wasn't my thing. Did that couple or years. Then came belly dancing that stuck with me a bit longer. Couple of years plus couple more. That was more my thing. But still not enough. Then came hip hop. That's what it was called then. I guess it would be street dances nowadays. Anyway that was fun! But few things in my life lead to the fact that I couldn't continue hip hop. Plus I thought that I looked like a grasshopper whenever I saw myself from a mirror when dancing. Tall, thin, all limbs and big hands. Awkward, weird and clumsy. That's what I saw and it was a hard thing for a young adult.

Then came couples dances. I loved everything! Waltz, foxtrot, rumba, cha cha, balboa, bugg, boogie woogie, jive, salsa, tango and lindy hop. Lindy was definitely my favorite! I couldn't get enough but unfortunately something called life came and left me without a partner. For the third time. And it's pretty silly going to dance lessons and end up learning the steps half of the time imagining that there's someone leading. It's not the same. So I gave up and it's been years since I've danced with a partner.

So I moved on.

Photos: Jofk

I found hoop dancing, which is fun but hard. Oh, let me count the times I've hit myself with the hoop right to my face or broke stuff at home with it! And it's physically hard when you want to start with an easier hoop that is larger and heavier. I still return to hoop dance sometimes. When I want to point out to myself that I absolutely suck at something. Did I mention it's pretty hard?

Photos: ijaal

Few years ago I graduated in Dance Pedagogy and after that I also became a Dance Animateur. Both of these gave me several different ways to inspire people to dance. To teach people how to find their inner little (or big) dancer. Not teaching any specific dance steps or dance form, but encouraging people to find the enthusiasm to learn new and old ways to dance. And learn from your mistakes.

During my Dance Animateur education I stumbled upon Contact improvisation. It's dancing where you can dance any way you want to. In a group, with a partner or solo. So dancing with other people and not thinking about stupid things like is there an even number of us. It doesn't matter! You can dance with who ever you like, how ever you like, include acrobatics or just wave your hands a bit. I loved it! And I still love contact improvisation.

Photos: gronmanj

How did I become a fitness instructor?

By accident. I never had any enthusiasm towards fitness classes until couple of months before I became an instructor. Fast moves, I know. :) The first years of my life I just wanted to dance and the physical aspect came with the fact that I just loved dancing. Dancing until I dropped tired and sweaty on the floor. Dancing until I couldn't anymore. And repeat it the next day.

Somewhere between dancing and figuring out what I wanted to do when I grow up, I started as an exercise teacher with children. 3 to 4 year old. 5 to 7 and 8 to 10 year old children. First as a co instructor, then the only instructor. Last two years with children I found myself teaching all kind of exercise (including easy dance steps) to 10 to 12 year old early teenagers in a 25 child group. Did I say I was alone? Yes. I was alone. It was hard and fun. In retrospect I wonder how did I do it. Managed to keep every single child alive and unharmed for one hour at a time. With all the climbing in the ropes, running, jumping and stuff.

It was fun, but when I got the chance to substitute few fitness dance classes to adults, it blew my mind. "OMG! So this is what it feels like when everyone listens at you, do what you say instantly and try to do the best they can." After few extremely educational classes (for me) I saw people smiling and few even came to me saying things like: "I was stressed when I came here but now I just feel happy. Thank you!" So that was it. I do like children, their enthusiasm and teaching them, but it was time to move on.


I started going to other instructors classes, trained myself as a aerobic, hydrobic, fitness dance and a foamroller instructor, participated to several different kind of courses and became a full-time freelance instructor. I was an entrepreneur before I became an instructor, now I just added fitness to my entrepreneuring skills. I'm living my dream! When I'm not nerding at my computer, I'm squating, streching or doing kick ball changes. And get paid to do that!


I've instructed people of all ages. Children and seniors. For few years I've also circled in different kind of offices and for ten minutes, made people take a break from sitting. Instructing them simple moves. Shoulder rolling and that kind of easy things that everyone can do. Apparently sitting kills, so I was hired to make people move.

I already have few videos that I could share with you here. Videos that have movements that are easy and meant for everyone. Because moving only 30 to 60 seconds every 30 minutes can make your life better on the long run. So when I know which is better, DTube or DLive, I'll make you move too.

Maybe some day I also share with you my dancing. Definitely maybe. I'm slowly getting used to seeing the same person, a freak grashopperlike geek from the mirror, so maybe. Some day. :) Until then you just have to trust me when I say this to you: Have you seen the movie Napoleon Dynamite? If you haven't you definitely should search the dance scene from YouTube. That's how I see myself from the mirror when I instruct dance lessons. :) So maybe I'll prove it to you some day.

Until that happens, all geeks unite and vote for Pedro!


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