I'm a Steemit Newbie!

Hello Steemit World!

My name is Dede and I'm very new to Steemit but super excited to be here!


A little bit about me-
-Live in sunny California. My job has made me fortunate enough to travel (a lot) but Cali will always be home!

-I love, love, love basketball! I am an avid fan and student of the game. I play, coach and hope to use Steemit as a platform to banter and talk about the game I love.

-Huge fitness junkie- I love working out and eating a balanced healthy diet. Don't get it twisted though because I do have junk food every now and then (fettuccine alfredo, cupcakes and funyuns will always be my weakness)!

-I'm also a huge cryptocurrency investor. I love researching the news and happenings of all things crypto. I currently invest in ethereum, ripple, siacon and litecoin (with some digibyte sprinkled in).

My interests aren't typical to most women but that's what makes me unique and hopefully Steemit will be my platform to meet like minded people!!

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