From 80hrs/week to location independence. a journey of liberation and HELL YES! or NO - creating my uncompromised life

Hola fellow steemians (is this how we call us???) i m excited to introduce myself to you from Lago Atitlan in Guatemala - one of my favorite places on this planet, because its just ... magicó :-)
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i am Verena, a 41 year old german, who quit the hamsterwheel and left Berlin 3 years ago, got a backpack, a one-way ticket to myanmar and started my journey into the unkown. a journey outside of any comfort zone i used to live in. and outside of any of the boxes, age, gender, cultural or professional background i could fit in. And i don't consider fitting easily in any of them anytime soon.
I am a foodie, an adventurous soul, a little crazy, a little boring, laid back, vibrant, wise, silly, ... you name it :-)
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hah, its hard to summarize, but i can say; its been a hell of a ride. and the rollercoaster hasn’t stopped yet. its FULL ON.
i learned meditating, listening, being grateful as fuck, how to grow stuff on permaculture farms, how to treat friends with a thai massage, how to improve my physical fitness with HIIT, how to understand and survive in spanish speaking parts of the planet, and got uncountable life and travel hacks and so forth.
this journey taught me probably more than 13 yrs of german school education and 7 yrs of uni (hell yes, i enjoyed that time to the fullest as well ;-) !)

i ve heard about steemit a while ago, somewhere in a coworking space on bali, some millennial might have mentioned it. but i didn’t quite get it. i wanted to research, but then - somehow - i got distracted and put it on hold.. until i attended an online conference called cryptisto, organized and facilitated by my adorable friend, serial entrepreneur, fellow nomad and amazing human Lars Müller, called „lean lars“
Finally understanding the philosophy and approach behind steemit i was p u m p e d and created my account straight away. Still took me a week for this introduce myself article *shame on me… but still pretty excited to finally become part of this amazing movement which i m keen to contribute to.

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uhh, well… i hope the things i am working on and i am fascinated by can add value to the community. my posts gonna be most likely about:

  • life
  • sex
  • travel hacks and pictures that make you feel „fernweh“
  • culture
  • blockchain and other technologies that shape our foreseeable future
  • personal growth - insights and inspiration
  • (street) art, food, adventures
  • scuba diving
  • surfing experiences from a 40+ rookie
  • simplicity
  • healthy lifestyle
  • transformation
  • plant based nutrition, superfood, herbal remedies
  • life hacking
  • productivity
  • entrepreneurship
  • being location independent
  • well…. everything that is related to celebrate my midlife "crisis", being the queen of my queendom and becoming the fittest, healthiest and greatest version of myself.

I m (fl)awesome as f*** and pretty point blank. And i m excited to be part of this amazing movement. IMG_4377.JPG

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