Intro for sydneyboy, love travelling for cheap

Hey Steemit community, My name is Ryan and I am from Sydney, Australia. I was born here and have lived here since I was born. After high school, I didn't know what to do with my life (which I still don't know haha) so from high school I have worked doing different jobs from Mcdonalds, Arcade game centre, Labourer and Assistant Pastry Chef. After working arrange of jobs, i felt like i was going no where in life and just working 9-5 to make some money. I wanted more in life, I decided I needed some time to myself and would take some time off to go travelling and explore. I had no idea how long I would go for so I just booked a one way ticket and went from there.

Through my following posts, I will share all my experiences and tips on all the different places I have visited and explored. So far I have been to 62 countries spanning over a year. Since that massive trip I have caught the "Travel Bug" and seem to have a desperate desire to discover more of this world! Join me as I share my experiences on my previous travels and my upcoming adventures!

Hope to chat with you soon guys! Sydney-boy (1st picture of me in the Cook Islands, 2nd picture of me in China)

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