Allow myself to introduce myself

As I grow older I find myself pondering about life in general. I am a "Jack of all trades, master of none." I have a degree in Natural Resource Conservation, one in Health and Human Services, and my final one was in Biology. I have many interests and can usually hold my own in a conversation. I was in my 30s when I took an IQ test and was accepted in MENSA. Crazy for being later in life. I guess that was why I found many things came easy to me but little holds my interest for very long. That's enough about my brain pan for now. If you really want to know, you can ask.

Life in general, I grew up in the middle of nowhere in upstate New York. I am an only child and was pretty much left to my own designs. I always had a love for various branches of science, art, music, and cooking. I guess it helped that I could read and write by the time I was three. I have always had a stack of books close by and I think one of the greatest devices I'll ever own is my Kindle.

I may not know everything, but there is nothing better than to learn something new. With that being said, I am getting a little set in my ways the older I get. Either way, I like to read peoples thoughts and ideas about what's going on in the world as well as putting in my two cents from time to time. So, here I am. Take me for who I am. Just remember, I warned you. Hit me up if you dare.

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