If life is but a dream I am living my dreams

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Phew what a crazy beautiful roller coaster it has been this couple of months. (I love roller coasters) Never thought I would still be traveling in South East Asia. Never thought I would be away from home for 6 months. And the beautiful part of it all is that even though I don’t like to plan, everything is happening in perfect order. Before I started my journey I made a vision board and looking back at my creation it all makes sense. I am living my dreams right now.


Dream vision board

I’m thankful for everything. All the people I have met and magical places I have seen. It was not always that rosy but I have learnt that for every bump I got so much more to be thankful for. Every bump put me on the right path again. I have learned so much about myself in these couple of months. Every situation can be used as an opportunity to grow.

Northern Thailand, Cozy Pai - Slept in a small bamboo hut for two weeks <3

Just be

In Thailand for example I learned how to do absolutely nothing without feeling guilty. Crazy right. That I would even punish myself for not being productive. That even boredom could make me feel anxious. This concept of boredom is the biggest fear of our society because we fear that we wasting our days away. Being trapped in this aging body and to have a life without passion. It is the fear of missing out.

But then I realized that I was not comfortable enough with myself. And I had to remind myself that it is totally fine to not seek for answers or to deal with uncertainty. Just sitting alone with yourself and your feelings and thoughts. Even if that place feels uncomfortable. There is so much stuff underneath the surface that it is even hard to really know that it’s there.

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Chasing sunsets in Canggu, Bali

Living my dreams

"If this life is but a dream I am going to make sure I am going to live the dreams I want to live."

I really do believe that everything can happen in divine order once you believe in the law of attraction. I believe that the universe or God has a plan for us all. Think about synchronicities such as events and people you meet at the perfect timing. If I feel restless because of any uncertainty I have to remind myself to look back at all the blessings and signs the universe gave me. Practicing gratitude is a beautiful attitude. I realize that if I take responsibility for my own life everything is possible. Start living your dreams.

Alan Watts about the beauty of nothingness

Alan Watts: “You would dream the dreams of living the life that you are actually living today.”

Till next time!

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