Lucid Dreaming, Conscious dreams!

Have you ever wondered how it would feel to fly? Being able to travel in time, breath under water, visit different worlds, traveling to different planets? What if I told you it is possible, and that you will not even have to leave the comfort of your own bed. I am of course talking about the mysterious world of Lucid dreaming. This is the first post in a series about lucid dreaming, and will mostly be an introduction, but there is also a bit about the most basic tecniques.

Lucid dreaming is simply being aware that you are in a dream. There are many layers of lucidity, from the vaguest idea that the nightmare is just a nightmare to absolute clarity where you are able to control every aspect of your dream and maybe even talk to your own unconscious mind. I know many out there are skeptics, and that this sounds a bit spiritual or unscientific at first. I am a skeptic myself and do not believe in many of the more metaphysical aspects of Lucid dreaming, like astral projection and shared dreaming. It doesn`t really matter what you believe when it comes to spiritualism, this guide will work anyway. To those of you that doubt that Lucid Dreaming is possible in the first place, I can assure you that it has been scientifically proven.

Even though Lucid Dreaming is possible, most people will only experience it a few times in their lifetime, some will never experience it at all. If you have never experienced it ever, it may be a hard skill to perfect, and it is likely to take several months before you achieve your first lucid dream. Others will achieve it under a week. However, it is totally worth it. Being able to do whatever you want and not hurt anyone or get hurt is very liberating. My favorite thing to do is to fly over the ocean and look at the extreme clarity of everything. It just looks so real. And feels so real. But everything is inside your brain, so it is literally only limited by your imagination. Does this sound like something you would like to try? I will end the post with the basic techniques you will need to get a lucid dream.

There are dozens of techniques, and I will only go through one of them today. The one I have chosen is the most basic, the DILD, or dream induced lucid dream. This is when you already are dreaming and find out that something is wrong, and therefore realize that you are dreaming.

You will need:
Good dream recall

A regular sleep pattern

A lucid life


A good dream recall is important in almost all the lucid dreaming techniques. Whats the point of having the most amazing dream, and not remembering it. A dream journal is key. Some people recommend that you write down all the details you can, and while that is a good idea, there is nothing wrong with censoring very explicit parts of your dreams either. Just write down all the details that you think are necessary for you to clearly remember the dream. If you right now are thinking "crap, I never dream, how can I write down anything! I have to give up already", then you are not alone. However, if you does not have a very rare sleep disorder, you are most likely dreaming every single night, your brain just does not think it is important to remember it. If you start to write down the small details you remember, you will slowly tell your brain that it has to save your dream. This alone may be enough to trigger a Lucid Dream.

This post is already a bit long, so I will just quickly go through the next steps, and add more details in my next post.

The Lucid Life part means to question everything. How do you know you are awake? Are you 100% sure? How? If you do this many times every day, and sincirly ask the question while you do a reality check, you will be more likely to ask the question while you sleep. A reality check is a way to check if you are awake. I will go through a lot of different tests in my next post, but if you cant wait, ask me in the comments!

That was all for today, please leave a like if you liked it, and follow so you dont miss the next chapter! Resteems are free, and really helps me out a lot. If anything is unclear, please ask in the comment section down bellow, I will answer as quick as possible!

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