The flu jab the solution to freedom?

The reason why it might work is because a coronavirus is an old virus. Long before covid-19, a made up disease not diagnosed in the medical world, was announced this virus was diagnoted in 20% of the population. We never heard of it but it was not rare.

The PCR test is not a specific test. It can test for 45 viruses and is easy to manipulate.

About the "influenza shot" we already know it does hardly anything since years. In 2017-2018 many became influenza, same story the years before...
Each winter there's a lack of beds (ICU), so nothing new.
The chance this vaccine helps is as big as smoking or the use of ivermectine (prevention 2 tablets 12 my day 1 and day 7 after contact). Might be worth trying.

Although there are alternatives the mRNA vaccines are forced upon people. People who are jabbed claim it's social and it helps the vulnerable. We know by now whatever was tried didn't do the trick. Quarantaine, facemasks, PCR tests, social distance, wearing gloves, washing hands...
By now we force everyone to take that shot which doesn't make sense. Vaccinated you are not safe and you keep no one safe. We love to believe that because what is life worth with 0.001% chance to die of a coronavirus right? We better die of cancer (women 1 out of 6) or a heartattack (the number 1).

We start jabbing babies and do not help all vulnerable people in this world. This is for sure not an act of love or social. Inform yourself before you start shouting. You need to be 80+ to have 1% chance to die after you are infected. At that age you already have a way higher percentage to die of 101 if not more other diseases.

Btw: Each vaccine has side effects so has that very old, never updated one to fight the flu (= Influenza not the same as catching a cold).
If it comes to using it against covid (corona virus disease) it's experimental too plus not expensive enough. No one can make money with an old concept everyone can produce and that's what these experiments are about. Spread fear, polarize, empty promises, dictatorship, a better world where no one questions anything and those who dare to think will be removed. Not immediately because a scapegoat is needed.

The present vaccines are not about healing or saving lives otherwise this pandemic had been history 1 year ago.


A human's life is filled with viruses. I myself count on common sense and my immune system.

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