Time to talk sense with Chronavirus and the M-95 masks....

The M-95 masks are designed to stop 95% of the bacteria that triggers Pneumonia. These were NOT designed to stop viruses like the Chronavirus! We also need to discuss direct problems incurred when using masks of this nature, but first let's look at relative size of these contagions.

Image from article:
This is an electron microscope picture of what the M-95 mask is made to restrict the spread of!

Article on bacteria size:

Here is the size of the bacteria the mask will stop. Notcie that there is some smaller cells, down to 0.5 Micro meters diameter, which accounts for the 5% that penetrates this M-95 mask. We can assume that the mask will stop the 1 micro meter diameter contagion or larger that constitute most of this bacteria.

Pneumococcus, (Streptococcus pneumoniae), spheroidal bacterium in the family Streptococcaceae that causes human diseases such as pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, and meningitis. It is microbiologically characterized as a gram-positive coccus, 0.5 to 1.25 μm (micrometre; 1 μm = 10-6 metre) in diameter, often found in a chain configuration and surrounded by a capsule consisting of complex carbohydrate (polysaccharide). Many serological types have been differentiated. Pneumococci normally occur in the upper respiratory tract.
This bacteraia is a common source of pneumonia.

Article on Chronavirus size:

Now let's look at the diameter on the Chronavirus. We find the Virus is 120 Nano meters or 0.12 Micro meters diameter; which is 1/8th the size of the bacteria!

Coronavirus, any virus belonging to the family Coronaviridae. Coronaviruses have enveloped virions (virus particles) that measure approximately 120 nm (1 nm = 10−9 metre) in diameter. Club-shaped glycoprotein spikes in the envelope give the viruses a crownlike, or coronal, appearance. The nucleocapsid, made up of a protein shell known as a capsid and containing the viral nucleic acids, is helical or tubular. The coronavirus genome consists of a single strand of positive-sense RNA (ribonucleic acid).

Now let's look at what this means to the M-95 mask when confronted with the Chronavirus....

Let's do an analogy to picture this interactions, as most people have trouble visualizing Micro meter spheres. If we assume that the bacteria is a ping pong ball, the Chronavirus would be a marble, respectively. Now enter the M-95 mask; it would be like chicken wire.

So if we drop our 'bacteria' ping pong ball on the chicken wire,it doesn't go through, as intended; BUT drop 'virus' marbles on that same chicken wire, and it moves through unimpeded. THIS is what happens with a M-95 mask when used for the Chronavirus mitigation!

There is one instance where this is NOT true, when an infected person wears a M-95 mask; their projected viruses are moistened by the lungs. This moisture increases the diameter significantly, and makes it sticky to the 'chickenwire' of the mask. So IF Infected individuals wear masks, it Will reduce the spread of the Chronavirus! It just makes zero difference on the receiving end....

Now, there are two other factors that need to be discussed. First, M-95 masks contain the carbon dioxide the body is generating, causing re-breathing of these exhaust gases; and the moisture retained by the M-95 mask causes the lungs to be hyper moistened.

The Re-breathing of carbon dioxide raises the PPM (Parts Per Million) which causes the body to breathe faster, to carry off this 'extra' level of carbon dioxide. This means that more air exchanges of air are required; increasing the chances of contacting the chronavirus 'marbles' that will easily go through the mask! I saw a Lady wearing 3 masks stacked at the grocery store, which was just making her huff and puff (you could actually see her breathing distress)! Three separated layers of chicken wire will NOT stop the Chronavirus 'Marbles'....

The Moisture retention of the M-95 masks actually makes the lungs more receptive to viral infections! I have seen a number of people wearing masks in their car, while driving Alone, NO, NO, NO, NOOO! This actually make these people more likely of becoming sick....

The M-95 mask is a tool, that needs to be used (as with any other tool) intelligently, and properly!

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